Chapter six - May I have this dance

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Warnings: swearing and mention/use of alcohol.

Avery's P.O.V

It's now the end of a new week which means our charity ball is tonight, which also means seeing Tom since our meeting last Sunday. As Ellie and myself are getting ready we talk about our night ahead "are you excited?" Ellie asks as she puts on some blush, "I am actually, it's nice to see everyone outside of work and in a more of a relaxed environment plus it's for a good cause" I say applying some mascara.

"Are you?" I ask as I finish up my eye makeup, "sure am, I mean there is an open bar how could I not be excited" Ellie replies. Her response causes me to laugh "Oh and helping the children but more importantly free drinks" I just smile and shake my head at her reply "do you think you will talk to Mr. hot rich ceo?" she asks, "you do know his name is Tom, right?" I say laughing at her nicknames she gives him.

"And I'm not sure, I haven't seen him since our meeting and we have only talked once outside of work which is when I spilt coffee all over him" I explain to her. I pick up my earrings and put them on "how much can we donate again?" I ask Ellie "$250 between the both of us, is that bad?" she asks turning to face me "What do you mean?" I ask facing her after I finish adding the final touches to my look for the night.

"I mean, isn't there going to be a lot of rich people there – they will probably donate like thousands of dollars and we can't donate $300" she explains "don't be silly! Any amount helps even if it's a dollar, besides they donate that much because they can unlike us who have expensive rent and lots of bills" I say with a slight laugh. "That's true, besides our appearance tonight will be priceless" she says laughing and I join in, we then grab our purses and head off for the night.

Once our driver (which was supplied from work) drops us off at the hall, I am in awe. "Wow its beautiful" I say to Ellie as we walk up the stairs to go inside "even the floor looks expensive" she says laughing as she looks at the marble floor, we then tell the man at the front what our names our and he lets us through the door to the hall.

"Any drinks ladies?" a waiter says holding a tray of champagne, "hell yes" Ellie says grabbing her glass "yes thank you" I say grabbing one as well. We then head off to find our table which is on the side of the room further back from the dance floor but much to Ellie's pleasure close to the bar, "love our seats" she says giggling once she notices how close to the bar we are.

"I'm just going to go donate so I don't forget later, I will be right back" I say standing up and walk towards the donations table. I line up behind an elderly man wearing a grey suit and top hat, as we walk forward slowly as the line moves I see the man's wallet fall out of his pocket without him noticing. I pick it up and gently tap him on the shoulder as I say "excuse me sir, you dropped this", he turns around and sees his wallet in my hand "oh thank you dear, I'd be in trouble with my wife if I lost that!" he says with a laugh "no worries" I say with a smile before he turns back around "very heroic" I hear a deep voice say from behind me.

I turn around a bit startled by the stranger's voice as I turn around I am met with a pair of blue piercing eyes. "Tom, you scared me!" I say "sorry about that" he says with a smirk "I'm glad you could make it" he adds "I'm glad I came" I reply as he takes a step forward so we are standing next to each other in line, "did you still come with Ellie?" he asks. At first I'm a bit confused at how he knew who Ellie was but I quickly remember telling him during our meeting on Sunday, "yes I did, she is over there enjoying the open bar" I say with a laugh as I point her out to Tom, he turns and sees her drinking out of her champagne glass, he turns back with a smile and says "smart girl".

"It's good to see so many donations being made" I say as I look at the large line in front of us. "Indeed it is, I assume you're donating unless you like to stand in lines for fun" Tom says I laugh and reply "Yes, Ellie and me are making a joint donation", "I assume you're donating too, unless you're the one that thinks lines are fun" I say referring to his own joke. "Clever girl, yes I am" Tom says as we take a few steps forward, just as Tom is about to say something else we are interrupted by an older man walking up to us, "Ah Tom, my dear boy there you are" he says placing his hand on his shoulder.

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