Reward at the end of the road

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Asu's POV:

During the auditorium meeting, I had a work out scheduled for that time. So I decided to miss the meeting and do that. I started off by stretching and warming up. Then onto abs, holding planks, bicycle, and that stuff. Then I did push ups and pull ups and arm training. I am thinking about joining a softball team or basketball, maybe both. (Those are my two favorite sports.)
After my arms were tired, I did cario. Running laps, doing squats, wall sits. Then I ran a few more laps and stretched then called it a night. I had to go fill up my water bottle first, so I walked to one of the school entrance. I saw out of the corner of my eye blue and red lights, then sirens. What is going on? I was about to check on it then I saw a flash of silver hair pass by the corner, disappearing to the sounds of police and shouting. I followed the silver flash. The hair had to belong to Megami, who else?  I peeked behind the corner and then I had a flashback.

7 years ago.

"Ok champ, go get that trophy tonight you can do it!" Dad said handing me my softball cap. "Ok, hopefully the team cooperates unlike last game." I said putting on the cap and remembered last game. We lost because Hanica thought she could catch the ball and pushed our best pitcher to the ground and it was a lose-lose.
I was a shortstop, or a catcher. I was never a pitcher or first baseman. The coach said if one of us hit a homerun, we all get pizza and icecream. I plan to be that hitter.

The one you can trust to get the team out of a slump.

The one that starts the rally.

The one who is,


I made my way to the field, meeting up with our pitcher, Niko. She had to get a cast on her left arm, the arm she pitched with.
"Hey, Asu you ready to win the championship trophy?" She asked looking at me.
"I don't know if we can without you. Your so good who will take your spot?" I said, speaking the truth.
"Aki is pretty good but I think Elsye might get the mound." She said with a sad tone in her voice.
"What's wrong, is it the fact that Hanica pulled your shoulder bone?" I asked.
"No, I just- well this might sound like I'm boasting but I'm speaking the truth. I wanted to be the pitcher that got us into the finals league. I wanted to pitch tonight and show Elsye I can prove her wrong and get us there. She is the second best pitcher, I don't trust her."
Then her face lit up as if she had seen a puppy for the first time.
"Unless, unless you could pitch!" Niko said stepping in front of me. How hard did she fall, she knows I can't pitch.
"Are you crazy I'm not a pitcher!" I said. "Even if I did want to pitch, tonight wouldn't be the right time because if we lose then we don't go to finals. I want to win of course, but I think I would rather have Elsye pitch rather than me." That's when I saw Niko get a little upset.
Guess it's up to Aki to make sure we win." Niko said with a despair tone.

Bottom of the sixth inning.

This is it, the time that chooses whether I am a winner or a loser. I'm batting next, I'm the last batter. The bases are loaded and we are behind by three points, and we have two outs. I feel like I want to scream, we have people offering educations watching this game and I don't want to screw up. I stepped into the right handed batter box and waited for the pitcher to do her windup. Before she did, I heard cheers like,

"Let's Go Asu!"

"Hit the freak'n ball to Mexico!"

Then I heard my childhood friend, Niko cheer and call me by the stupid nickname she gave me and I hated it.  When I heard it this time I never felt more happy to hear it.

"Let's go Ramen-Rito!"

The pitcher released the ball and it was perfect. I swung and hit the ball.
I hit it out of the park by a few feet.

We just won this damn game.

Also we just got icecream and pizza as a reward to!

Present time.

Asu's POV:

I remeber I was the most popular girl on that team for a long time.
I peeked behind the corner and saw Megami and Umeji. Running hand in hand, to the cherry tree. I heard a window shut in the distance. I followed them and saw Umeji was blushing a little. Megami looked like she was happy - like really happy. Umeji told Megami to close her eyes, she did. Then he turned her around and told her to open her eyes. Then I heard her gasp as she saw the blossoms falling and the sunset in the background.

I wish someone would do that to me.

Then their faces got real close, they were closing their eyes and then - a freaking siren got real loud and disrupted their romantic moment. Then they ran off to the noise to solve anything that was going on.

Amai's POV:

The detective was questioning Osoro, she was probably thinking she killed that fun Girl thing. She isn't wrong but Osoro had a reason to. Fun Girl was on our turf and she was going to kill Megami.
Speak of the devil, Megami came walking up with Umeji following, his face flustered.
"What's going on here?" Megami asked.

"Did this young lady kill, the white haired girl?" The detective asked Megami.

"Well yes, but she had a reason to." Megami replied.

"What is your guy's names?" The detective asked.

"I'm Megami, she's Osoro." Megami said, "What's yours?"

"Hina Ai." She said.

"You young lady, what's your name?" Hina asked me when I was zoning out.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Amai Odayaka." I said smiling.

"Well, Amai did you witness the killing?" Hina asked me.

"Yes I did." I said kind of nervously. I didn't want Osoro to get in trouble.

"Tell me what happend." She said firmly.

"Well, Megami was handing Umeji something then Fun Girl threw a knife at her. Umeji pulled Megami out of the way, then Budo pushed Fun Girl into boxes of stuff. After he did that Osoro protected us all by hitting Fun Girl in the head with an axe. She was protecting us, not just murdering someone." I said. It was for some reason hard to say.

"Who is Umeji and Fun Girl?" Hina asked.

"Fun Girl was the one who got hit with the axe, and Umeji is right here." Megami said pointing to Umeji who was behind her.

"Is that true?" Hina asked. Everyone who was a witness confirmed it was true.

"Alright then, case closed we just have some more investigating to so then you will be off the hook." Hina said then walked off into the sea of sirens, talking, and memories.

"Amai, I could not have worded that explination better." Megami said.

"anks." I heard Osoro mumble.

"What?" I asked not hearing what she said before.

"I said thanks, ok." Osoro said crossing her arms and turning her head.

"What do you think your doing!" We hear from ten feet away. She was like a wolf, stalking her prey. The gun that will always fire. Her red curls bouncing up and down on each step she takes.


Wooooo! That was fun to make for some reason. I have a plan for next chapter. hehehe.

Question of the chapter,

What is your favorite season?


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