Catching Up

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The cooking club, present time.

Megami's POV:

I can't remember that's girls name who found me alone in the forest, but I have better business to complete. "Oh that's very bloody!" Mitsue said pulling out a camera. "Why do you need photographs?" I asked. "For the investigation." She said. I look down at my gloved hands, I wear these gloves because I was burnt due to the fire. "When did this occur?" Mitsue asked. "The stab marks are new so recently." I answered. Mitsue continued writing things down on her notepad. I looked at the doorframe, it had a huge scratch mark on it, how did I miss that? I walked to it and touched it. It had to be from a knife. I saw from the corner of my eye some students from the photography club were walking towards me. I examined the scratch one more time then Fureddo asked me a ton of questions. I told him that some of the answers had not been discovered yet. "Megami, there is something in the cabinet and it moved." Mitsue said and everything went silent. I walked over slowly and grabbed the handle. I slowly opened it and saw something horrible.

Muja's house, a few hours earlier.

Muja's POV:

I woke up and realized I wasn't in the nightmare anymore. I went to my phone to call Mida to see if she was alright but before I could there was a knock on the door. I opened it and I started to cry.

It was Eito.

"Eito!" I yelled hugging him. "Muja, my sweet sweet Muja are you alright, what happend when I was gone?" Eito said hugging me back. I brought him into the living room and we sat down. I told him about Fun Girl and that jazz. "What happend to you?" I asked him. Eito looked at me with fear in his eyes. "Bad things, very bad things." He said revealing a seven inch scar starting from his upper chin to his upper chest. I gasped and started tearing up. "I'm ok nothing bad will happen to you and if something does its gonna have to get through me." He said holding my hand and pulling me into a gentle kiss then everything blacked out for me and Eito.

At school, present time.

Osoro's POV:

I walked to the back of the school Budo and Umeji weren't there so I stood there with my back against the wall and my left foot against the wall too. After all this mess has happend and everything went back to normal someone had to get killed and ruin the moment. I don't know who killed Oka, but they sure do know how to mess up a normal life.

Like mine was.

7 years ago.

Osoro's POV:

After I helped Saikou-San find her parents I was almost jelous about the attention she got. I had two older brothers. The oldest, he is seventeen and started doing drugs at fifteen. He really takes after my dad. The second oldest, he was always in his room he never left except to go to the bathroom, he was fifteen. Then there's me. Never home because I try to avoid my parents. They found out there would be pleasure in beating up their own children that's what messed up the family. I stayed with my friends like, a childhood friend I've known for years. I would just go over there and stay the night. I can't remember the last time I slept in my own bed. Don't get the wrong idea, I don't sleep with my friends I carry around a sleeping bag in my backpack I always wear. I always had spare water bottles and a flashlight. I remember when I was younger I was taught how to fight before my dad turned away. So I grew up like him in a way. I never liked the idea of drugs, but I do plan to light a cigarette once I reached high school.

A few years later.

I was hanging out with a group of boys, they were trouble makers. They never failed to impress me. I was at a sketchy park that no one ever went to because there were homicides there taken place a few weeks ago. I heard a few voices coming from ahead of me, I was ready to get out of there until I saw my group surrounding this one boy. They were beating him up physically. I had half a mind to leave them but I didn't. I walked up to them "What is going on here?" I asked crossing my arms. "He thinks he can walk on our turf." One of my friends said. "It's public land!" The boy yelled backing up only to have two of my friends grab his wrists and hold him from running away. He was clearly struggling to be free. I had half a mind to let them beat him up. "Knock him out boss!" One of my fried said clearing a path. "No." I said. Everyone looked confused. "Then I'll do it!" He yelled turning around quickly and balling his fists. I ran up to him and pushed him down the hill and he rolled all the way down with a thump. Another friend who I thought was a friend ran up to me and tried to kick me. I grabbed his foot and twisted it, letting him scream, then fall. The two boys who were holding the other boy who looked my age started bolting at me leaving him behind. They split up one both sides of me. Then they both ran and put their fists up. I ran out of the way, letting them have a collision. I tripped on this stupid, stupid tree branch that fell earlier this year. It caused me to fall but my reflexes happend to make me do a tuck and roll. I landed on my knees but my right arm hit the branch on the way down, and started to bleed a little then a lot. I just looked at it. "Are you okay?" The boy yelled running down to me. "Yeah I'm fine." The boy did look kind of cute. "Your arm, is bleeding!" I looked back at my arm and blood was gushing out faster than I remember. "Oh shi- I mumbled searching my pockets for something to clog the blood. "Here." The boy said handing a long piece of a fabric band. "T..thanks." I can't remember the last time I said thank you. "What's your name?" He asked. I looked at him in his eyes. "You don't look like you would send Saikou guards after me, Osoro,Osoro Shidesu. "I like that name,"He said,"Budo Masuta."

Present time.

3rd person POV:

Mitsue gasped and Megami got a closer look. They saw Amai was tied up and knocked out or dead. Megami gently pulled her out of the cabinet. Megami untied her and set her on the table. There was blood oozing out from the back of her head. After a few minutes of Mitsue looking around Amai woke up. "Megami." She said getting Megami's attention. "Amai, do you know what happend?" Megami asked. "I don't remember except for someone coming into the club and knocking me out." Amai said looking around seeing if anything restored her memory. "Why is Oka laying there?" Amai asked. "She, she is dead." Megami said quietly. "It was Oka, she knocked me out!" Amai said getting her memory back from one sentence.
"I was making some cupcakes, then there was a knock on the door. I answered it, it was Oka. She looked sad and depressed. Then she pushed me to the ground and my head hit the door frame. She pulled out a knife and tried to stab me but I moved and she hit the frame."
Amai said tearing up. "So that's the mark on the frame, Mitsue write that down." Megami said. "Already done." Mitsue said putting a period on her sentence,then looking back in the cabinet. "What's that?" Mitsue asked pointing to inside the cabinet. Megami got up and peeked inside seeing a piece of paper folded up. She grabbed it and read it out loud.

If anyone reads this, good job I guess. I am not feeling normal today. I have been feeling like this since I woke up this morning. My father had been killed by a madman last time I saw him. That was years ago, and I just saw him. My club and I tried summoning him early this morning. It worked, he said to kill myself and I'm gonna do that.

"It was a suicide?" Megami asked out loud. "I guess." Mitsue said putting down her pen.

Why did she listen to her dad?

" She obviously put the note in there for a reason, to distract us from the main course thinking it was a murder." Amai said. "How would you know that?" Megami asked. "Because I told her." A voice from behind them said."Fun Girl!" Megami yelled."Who?" Mitsue asked taking pictures. Kizana and Osoro walked into the room arguing then Fun Girl zapped them into a portal. "NO!"Amai yelled chasing after them and jumping in. Mitsue fainted. Megami walked back and fell backwards. "I have control of Genka, meaning I have control of this whole school." Fun Girl said. "Megami look out!" Umeji yelled with Budo behind him running at her. "Oh not again." Fun Girl said zapping a portal and they ran into it. Megami screamed at the top of her lungs then had a portal appear underneath her causing her to fall in a portal.

Megami's POV:

I woke up in a place I never been before. I heard some voices up ahead and I looked and saw some people. "Where an I?" I asked this lady wearing a cute outfit but it looked really old as if it where from a past date. "Silly, can't you read. This is an all American jazz show, the latest one of 1923!" She said. "Wait the year is 1923?" I asked.

"Yep, welcome to the 1920s."

(Plot twist kind of.)

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