Chapter Thirteen

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Felix and I hung out for a few hours before my Dad walked in with Rosè and her Mom then he had to leave. Hanging out with Felix after so long was actually really fun. I truly did miss him. "Why was Felix here?" Rosè asks entering my room after she slammed the door open. I looked at her throwing a glare her way before turning my attention back to my homework finishing the last problem.

"He's my friend, that's why. You got a problem with it?" I ask not really caring. Even if she said that she does have a problem with it, I wouldn't care. I'm allowed to have friends and I don't need her approval.

"Yeah, I do have a problem. You're hanging out with my boyfriend." She snaps. I let out a silent groan as I set my pencil down and turn my chair all the way around to face her. He broke up with her in the first week of school and I know that they didn't get back together or it would've been all over school by now. It wasn't so I knew she was lying.

"Chaeyoung, he's not your boyfriend. He's not even your friend. Plus, I don't care if you have a problem with it or not. I do not need approval from you on who I can be friends with." I spoke and she glared at me. I sent a glare right back at her. I really did not like this girl and I never will. I have hated her almost my entire life and I will never like her. She thinks that she's better then everyone else and I hate that about people. I see people like that everywhere I go and I hate it. I will literally never like people who are like that.

"Y/N, just back off if you know what's good for you. He's mine and he doesn't like you. He will never like a girl like you. I mean look at you, you aren't even pretty. I'm pretty sure the only reason Hyunjin is with you is because he pity's you and same goes with those so called friends of yours. Just give it up already, everyone pity's you because you have a rough family life and you can't change the way you look. It's such a shame." She hissed as she left the room. I didn't move to turn back to my homework. I stayed frozen in my spot as tears rolled down my face. I knew she was cruel but she's never taken it this far with me at least. She has never said things like that to me. No one has ever said things like that to me.

I slowly turned around and shut my notebook along with my textbook. I was done anyway so I stood up and walked into the bathroom. Do people really pity me? Is that why Hyunjin is really with me? Is that why Minho and Jisung even hang out with me? I turned on the sink to the coldest setting and splashed my face with it a few times. Tears still stung in my eyes as I dried my face with a wash cloth. I walk out of the bathroom just as my phone starts ringing. I looked at it and saw it was Jeongin. I haven't talked to him in a few days so I answered. I'm sure he wouldn't notice the tone in my voice.

"Y/N, you need to come home." Jeongin spoke almost instantly. I knew what was wrong. Ally sends me updates on Mom's condition and the lastest one wasn't the best. She fainted while at work and was admitted to the hospital. She's been there the last few days. Ally told me yesterday that there was a chance that I had to go home to say goodbye. I didn't think it'd be so soon. "Y/N?"

"I-I'll call you back, Innie." I pulled my phone away from ear and hung up running downstairs to find my Dad. I entered the living room and he was just getting up from the couch. He looked at me and his arms were instantly around me. "S-she's n-not gonna make it, is she?" I sobbed into his chest as my arms went around his waist tightly. I didn't want to let go.

"I don't- I don't know, honey. Go pack a bag. I'll take you to the airport." He whispers kissing the top of my head. I pull away slowly nodding as I run back upstairs.

• • • •

I walked out to the car thirty minutes later with a bag that fit clothes for just a few days. My dad said he'll stop by the school tomorrow to explain my situation and why I'll be gone for a few days. I threw the bag in the back seat of the car and saw Hyunjin's car pull up. He got out and ran over to me. I was pulled into his chest and I sobbed again. "Baby," He whispered softly as I cried into his chest.

"I- I can't lose h-her, Jinnie." I cried. Like I said in the beginning, she's my best friend. She's the one I trust the most with everything and I can't lose her. I just can't say goodbye to her.

"Y/N, it's time to go." I heard my Dad say and I backed away from Hyunjin who smiled sadly at me. "Hyunjin, you can come as well." Dad spoke as he got into the drivers seat.

"Please." I whispered and he just nodded. He told me to wait as he ran back to his car grabbing his phone and taking the keys out of the ignition. Locking his car as he walked back over to me, we climbed into the backseat. He was closer to the window and I sat in the middle. We settled in and I rested my head on his shoulder closing my eyes. I felt his place a soft kiss on my forehead and I scooted closer into him. He wrapped an arm around me and held me closer to him.

Please, still be there when I arrive.

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