Chapter Ten

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The first couple classes went on and I had most of them with Jisung. We caught up on a lot of things that's happened in the last few years. When lunch came around we met up with Minho and Hyunjin in the hall by my locker to head outside to eat under the bleachers. None of us like the cafeteria. It was always packed with students and we weren't very social people and Felix hung out in there with his friends that picked on people. I've them around the hall picking people who apparently didn't fit their standards. There was Felix, Woojin, Chan - or Chris, Seungmin, and Changbin.

Seungmin was quiet and just stood in the back while the rest did all the tormenting.

Woojin didn't do it as much, only when people got on his nerves.

Changbin and Chan did it almost everyday. They picked on the younger males and some girls who had braces, glasses, and had a little weight. It was obnoxious to see them do that and more obnoxious to see that people just watched. I actually interfered a few times by grabbing the person by the hand and dragging them away. I didn't want them to go through shit because of those two.

Then finally we have Felix, now he was someone that you could annoy almost instantly. One wrong look and he will literally hurt you. It wasn't even funny. It was rare to see it but it had happened a few times. So, I wasn't gonna go sit in a cafeteria where I could see them hurt more people.

Reaching my locker, I opened it to grab my lunch and sat my bag inside it. I would grab it before class started. My Math teacher didn't really care if we were a little late, as long as we did the required work. I shut my locker and turned to both Minho and Hyunjin. Hyunjin held out his hand for me to take, which I gladly did and locked our fingers. Minho looked at both of us then our locked hands and back to up to us.

"What the hell is this and why was I not informed about it?" Minho asked crossing his arms over his chest. Jisung looked highly confused which I couldn't blame him for. I mean, I told him about all the recent stuff but I left out this important piece of information.

"Minho, we're together. We didn't tell you at first because we wanted to see if it could even work, especially with Hyunjin being Jeongin's best friend." I answered. Hyunjin and I only got together a few days ago so it was fairly new. No one really knew, other then Jeongin and my Dad. "Also, Jisung is gonna sit with us." I added with a smile. Minho looked at Jisung and smiled softly. I looked over at Jisung who had a soft blush starting to form on his cheeks and chuckled softly at him. Hyunjin seemed to notice too and chuckled softly as well.

"Okay, let's go eat! I'm hungry." Hyunjin announced and we started walking towards the exit to the field. People stared at Hyunjin and I as we walked down the hall with our hands locked. It was mostly the girls that stared at us. We finally got to the bleachers and sat under the one with the most shade.

• • • •


I watched as Y/N walked down the hall with her hand locked with Hyunjin's. That shouldn't be him holding her hand. He doesn't deserve her. He shouldn't be the one to hold her. That should be me holding her hand, not him or anyone else. She was my girl and should only be my girl. Why did I have to be so damn stupid? Why did I start ignoring her?

"Felix! Let's go." Chris spoke hitting my shoulder snapping me out of my daze. I looked at him and started walking with him to Cafeteria. I took one last look at Y/N and watched as her eyes lit up when she laughed. Why him? Out of everyone here why Hyunjin?

I turned my attention back to walking to the cafeteria but stopped in my tracks calling out for Chris. He looked back at me with a questionable look. "I'm gonna go look for Rosè. I'll meet up later." I told him. He smirked knowingly at me before continuing his way. I turned in my heel and headed towards the back exit. What I told Chris was a full ass lie. I ended things with Rosè for multiple reasons and I wasn't gonna go back to her.

I just didn't want to tell him that I was ditching because even with his all bad boy act, he would never let me ditch.

Now, I wasn't going home because I knew my Mom was there. She'd have my ass if I left school grounds. If she gets a call from the school then I can I just lie and tell her that I fell asleep under the bleachers during lunch and didn't wake up until the last bell.

When really I couldn't stand to see Y/N with Hyunjin anyone today.

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