Special: Koneko x Oc/Male Reader (Lemon)

Start from the beginning

While the two go over to help the peerage hold back Raynare, a certain neko had overheard everything in the hallway

Koneko: So Ryo-senpai is also going through what I'm going through. Maybe he can help me while I help him with his problem *Leaves to go to Ryo's house*

Timeskip to Ryo's house brought to you by Ryo and Koneko thumb wrestling: 

Koneko: *Kicks open Ryo's door and walks in* Ryo! Ryo! *Walks in front of Ryo's door and knocks on it* Hey Ryo, could you please open up

Ryo: *Other side of door* Koneko, is that you, how did you get inside

Koneko: I kicked your door down

Ryo: Seriously

Koneko: Yes, sorry senpai

Ryo: Its fine, but why are you here

Koneko: I have a problem and I wanted your help with it

Ryo: Today's not a good time, maybe tomorrow

Koneko: No! I must be today!

Ryo: Tch, fine. *Opens door*

Koneko: *Instantly blushes*

What she is a shirtless Ryo and is a bit wet minus his hair which is already wet

Ryo: What do you want *sits on bed* 

Koneko: *Still blushing* W-well I w-was having a-a problem a-and I-I had heard you were h-aving the s-same problem

Ryo: What is this problem both you and I share

Koneko not being able to control herself anymore, jumps onto Ryo knocking him onto his back

Ryo: What's that for

Koneko doesn't answer and sits on crotch, leans down and begins to passionately kiss him. Ryo is suprised by the by the sudden movement and begins to kiss with the same amount of passion due to him also being in heat and not thinking properly. After a couple of minutes the two, mostly Koneko, separate for some air 

Ryo: I'm only gonna ask once, why are you kissing me

Koneko: Ryo-senpai... I'm in heat and since I also thought you were in heat I decided you would be the perfect person to help 

Ryo: Tch, would've said no if I wasn't

Koneko and Ryo then closer to each other faces and to engage in a heated make-out session. Koneko wraps her arms on Ryo's back while Ryo grabs her hips and pulls her closer to him. Ryo then forces his tongue inside of her mouth and begins to explore every part of her mouth with his tongue, which Koneko gladly lets him do and she begins to moan because of it. She then feels Ryo member begin to become erect and separates from Ryo and smirks at him

Koneko: Looks like someone is excited~

Ryo: I've been excited all day~

Koneko then begins to lick down from Ryo's neck, to his chest, to his stomach and then in between his legs. She then begins to take off his pants and boxers, releasing his member which hits her in the front of the face

Koneko: I knew you were excited to see me but I didn't expect for you to be this excited~


Koneko then begins to slowly lick Ryo's member the bottom of it to the tip of it and before going back down and repeating the process. She then puts the head of the member in her mouth and begins to suck on it while swirling her tongue around it while its in her mouth. Ryo begins to slightly groan from what Koneko is doing, causing her to to take in more of his member until it is halfway and begins to bob her head on it

High School Dxd x Op Oc/Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now