Chapter 13: He's Back

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( The day after Alycat's birthday) 

Alycat pov. 

I was sleeping and in the middle of the night my phone goes off, so I get up and answer it and that voice I hear on the other side scared me it was him, the that short me. 

phone call (A is Alycat and K is for unknown)

A: hello

K: Hey Alycat

A: w-what do you want 

K: I want you, I know where you are at 

A: h-how do you know where I am  

K: Just me I know and I want you die for what you did 

A: no I did nothing wrong I save your dog 

K: Well you send me to jail and my dog is die cause no one could take care of him

A: Well I am sorry, I did not mean for that to happen but it is all because you Short me  

K: I will come for you and I will hurt you down and hurt you

The line goes die ...................... end of phone call

I can't believe this ( brakes down crying), I want to go home, I want to go home I scream. Louie is hugging me saying it is going to be ok, I want to believe him but it is hard to right now. Louie said we are going to take a brake from everyone and go on a Vatican to Hawaii, so that makes me feel better. I get packing for Hawaii, we are laving tonight so we get all of your things and hangout at places before going to the airport and on are way to Hawaii. We get to the airport and we have an hour wait, will waiting for 10 minutes I have to go to the bathroom so I get up and tell Louie that I am going to the bathroom, he said ok be back in 5 to 10 minutes please if your not I am looking for you. I said ok and walk to the bathroom, and when I got to the bathroom I get push into a stall door and I felt me self falling but I get caught, so I look up to see how caught me and it was the one person how should be in jail. I started screaming but he puts ducktape on my mouth and tie me hands and feet to the toilet, I am so scared and I beat Louie is look for me right now I hope so. It has been 20 minutes seen I tell Louie I was going to the bathroom, so I hear Louie's voice he is talking to someone, I hear the bathroom door open and at that time the unknown has a gun to my head. I hear him yelling at Louie to not come any closer or he will shoot, I hear police say let her go and put the gun down, soon he was about to pull the trigger, but I hear a gun shoot and blood flying everywhere in the bathroom. The police take his body way and ask me questions well they where asking me questions Louie come to me and hug me for a long time. After answering questions it was time for us to leave for Hawaii. We get to the hotel and when we get to are room, I go to the bed and start crying about what happened next thing Louie is hugging me and then he  put my head to his chest so I can cry and claim down and forget what happened. He gets up ones I am don't crying and he gets him phone and then he orders room service for us. We eat are food and get ready for bed and then go to sleep for the night.

Louie pov. 

I have this Vatican plan to go to Hawaii with my awesome girlfriend Alycat and I was not going to tell her unit next week when we are leaving to go home, cause intend of going home we where going to go to Hawaii. I get woke up by Alycat's phone ringing and than I hear her crying so I get her in my arms and hug her. I tell her after the phone call that everything is going to be ok, but she says it is not I ask what is wrong and she tells and I get so mad that he said he will hurt my girlfriend. That is not going to happen I will not let anything happen to her when she is with me. I call the airport and the place in Hawaii and they say that they have my room open so we can go tonight and I tell them we will be there to night at 7:00 for the airport and I made the Vatican longer now by a week we will stay there for 2 weeks now. During the first week I am going to take her on your first date as boyfriend and girlfriend. She gets up and states packing, after we are done packing, we get all are things and hangout unit it is time to go to the airport and yes I did call my boss and he said ok I hope she is fine and I said thank you for being understanding of this I will be back in 2 weeks and one day. We get to the airport and on the plane for Hawaii, when we are on the plane she falls asleep and I am happy that she is sleeping so I kiss her head and said good night baby girl love you, and with that I fall asleep. I wake up 20 minutes before we land in Hawaii, so I wake up Alycat. She wakes up and we just talk about things to get her mind off what happened. We get off the plane and get your bags and then we head to the hotel, after getting to the hotel we go to our room and when we get in the room, she goes to the bed and started crying I put your bags down and go to the bed and hug her and put her head to my chest so she can cry. Ones she is done crying I get my phone and orders room service. We eat are food and then get ready for bed and go to sleep for the night.

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