chapter 3: After college

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5 years later  Alycat pov.
I am getting out of college soon I am at a store and I run in to someone and he is Louie's best friend Zach.

Zach pov. I was at the store and then I saw Alycat the girl Louie likes. So I go up to her and say hi, she said hi back and said how have you been and ask if I was still friends with Louie and I said yes I am. So I tell her all that has happened with Louie and his ex girlfriend and then I gave her his number.

Alycat pov.
Zach comes up to me and says hi and I say hi back and then we are talking about things and he tells me about Louie and his ex girlfriend and then he gave me his number and tells me that Louie is on the Cubs team now and needs a new/old friend to talk to.

Zach pov.
I text Louie and tell him all about what has happened today and he said what she is back and did you gave her my number and I said yes I gave her your number.

Louie pov.
I got a text from my best friend Zach he tells me what has happened to him today at the store and I was like omg Alycat is back from college and I can't believe he gave her my number.

Alycat pov.
I think I should text Louie so I did and this is what the texts said ( Alycat text , Louie text ) ( Hey  , Hi who is this , This is Alycat but is this Louie , oh yes this is Louie and omg Alycat how have you been, haven't seen you in like 6 years, and we need to hang out same time , oh OK yes we should it has been so long but when , yep so wood you be able to hang out with me tomorrow at 4:00 pm after baseball practice, OK and yes I can hang out at that time with you and how is baseball going for you, good and I am on the Cubs too and good night see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow and good night ).

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