chapter 9: Two days later

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Alycat pov. (Aug. 24)
It is two days after that we find out Louie's dog is pregnant and today the puppies should be coming some time soon. It was in the morning before Louie had to go to work, and his dog
When in to ladder ( having the puppies ) and she gave birth to six cute puppies there was 3 boys and 3 girls.

Louie pov.
It is two days after finding out that my dog is pregnant and today is the day she gave birth to six puppies and right before I had to leave for work. Alycat called me because she need help because my dog is about to gave birth so I help and the puppies are so cute and after all the puppies where clean. Alycat ask if she can take one and I said yes and she take the little one that was last and it was a girl. So I take a boy and now we have to gave this 4 puppies way to good family's.

Alycat pov.
OK so there are 4 puppies left seen me and Louie take one each one girl and one boy. So I take them to get fix at my work that I start tomorrow morning but she let's me come in when I need to. I work all day 5 days a week and I am free for the weekend but some times I will have to work on weekends when people are not there or when work gets busy so I ask when I got there if I can gave these puppies away here so they can get go homes and she said yes. So tomorrow when I come in I will bring them with me. I go back to Louie's house with his and my puppies and then I said thank you for letting me stay and he said no thank you for all you done. Then right there in is house he ask me out on a date and I said yes and I ask him before we go can I get all my stuff back to my house and he said yes. He help me get all my stuff to my house and into my room. Then I get Ready and then when back to his house so he can get Ready and then he is done. Then we go out to dinner, and he picks the place and pays for dinner.

Louie pov.
So today Alycat was going to ask me to help me move her stuff back to her house but before she could say it I ask her to go out with me and she said yes. Then she ask me to get her stuff to her house and then she is going to Change and then we can go on are date at I nice places so I ask her to dress nice and she did she was so pretty and I can't stop looking at her but then I said I am going to change and be back in one minute and I was all nice and she was looking at me I can feel her eyes looking at me so I said are you ready and she said yes so we get in the car and I played a song that we both like and it was "my girl" and I was sing it and she look at me and she started singing it but she also change it so it said yeah that my boy in the driver sit and stuff like that and it was good I love her so much but I have to take it slow. We are the place and we get a table for two and we look at what they had to eat and we both said what we want out loud so we can hear it and we both said steak and bake potatoes. We smile so we odder are food and drinks are the same too and we eat and talked about things we have not tell each other yet and then after we eat dinner I pay and we when back to my house and started watching a movie about half way through it she fell asleep on my shoulder and it was so cute and then I turn it off and fell asleep after I kiss her forehead and said good night but she did not hear me or know that I kiss her.

Alycat pov.
OK so we are going on are date and we are in the car and he played "my girl" and he started to sing but then I changed it to my way yeah that my boy in the driver sit and stuff like that so then we get there and go a sit for two people and we where looking to see what kind of food they had. We both said at the same time steak with bake potatoes and we got the same drink too again and then we talked about things we have not tell each other. Then we finished and he when to go pay and we are going back to his house. We are at his house and we are watching a movie but I fell asleep during it on his shoulder.

Louie pov.
It is morning and I wake up to Alycat on my shoulder so I try to get up with out wake her up to go make us food. So I get up with out wake her up and started making food she likes and I like and when I was in the middle or making something I feel a hug behind me and I know it was her. So I said good morning Cat (that is her nick name) and then she said good morning Lou (that is my nick name) so I finished making food and we sat down and eat together at the table. Then after we are done we both put are stuff away and I kiss her head and she ask what was that for and I said because I love you and we are dating but if you don't like it but then I got stop from Alycat kissing me on the lips and said I love you too.

Alycat pov.
It is morning and I wake up on the couch where we watch the movie and I got up to see Louie making food for us. I go up behind him and hug him and then he said good morning to me and I said it back. Then we eat the food he made and then after we put the stuff away and then he kiss me on my head and then he started talking about me not liking it and he said I love you and then I had to make him stop talking so I kiss him on the lips. I also want to so I said I love you and I like kiss it make me feel like I have someone in my live more then ever and I love you for that reason and then me and Louie had to go to work so I want home and got ready and when I got to work I take the puppies with me again because I don't like leaving them there on their own but today I have to. So at work a guy comes in with a dog that looks sick and he ask if I can look at her and I said yes but I need you to fill out these papers and I need a name, number, and address and then he pulls out a gun and points it at me. I got sacred but I did not show it so I sad OK put that away and you don't have to pay and you don't have to gave me an thing just don't hard an one place the guy said OK but if anyone trys to call the police on a phone I will short you. I said everyone needs to keep claim and don't I repeat don't try and call the police, everyone said OK and then I go to the back room and get all the stuff I need with him right by me the whole time and then I started to work on his dog. I found out what It is and he said what is it and I said just a stone I will get it out right now. So I get to work and then we are done so I clean up and go to the front desk and said OK YOU are good to go unless you wont to pay for it and then he said I will leave soon but right then I thought I could get to the phone before he trunk back round but I was to late and all I hear was a gun shot and I look at my shoulder and I had blood all over me. Then all I saw was the guy was running out the door and than someone called 9ll. They got here they ask me questions on the way to the hospital and then they ask if there is someone I want them to call and I said yes my Louie, his number is *********** and they said OK , we will have someone call him to get here right way and then all I know is I fell asleep.

Louie pov.
It was time for us to go to work so we did I was taking a break because we have been practicing for 3 hours. I have 2 more hours to go but then I got a call from the hospital saying that Alycat got shot and I need to get there fast so I tell coach and he let me go and I rush to the hospital. I walk in and run to the front desk and I said Alycat and they ask how I was and I said her boyfriend I got a call and I have to see her and she said OK she is in room 6 floor 2. I said thank you and then I get there and the doctors are telling me what happened and then I talk to her along and then she wakes up. So then I call the doctors in and they tell her what happened and they put something on her shoulder and said that she can't use her right hand for each thing and I said OK I will watch her I tell her that I will take off work for these two weeks that you can't be on your hand/ shoulder and then I have to go back to work and then we went to my house and eat dinner and she stayed at my house for these two weeks and then we eat and she want to bed I want to bed so we said good night and we kiss on the lips and I fell asleep happy, knowing she is alive and with me. ( Me and Alycat are not boyfriend and girlfriend I just had to say I am her boyfriend so they will let me see her, but we are dating and I will make her my girlfriend soon.)

Alycat pov.
All I hear is people talking and then I hear Louie's voices and he said I love you I can't lose you. We be long together for ever and I can't lose you now and I want to say that something but I can't and then I start to open my eyes and I see Louie and he hug me and kiss me and then he got a doctor. They come in and tell me what happened and then 911 come in and talk with me about what happened. Then my mom and dad come it to see me and then I was able to go home so Louie take me home and he said that he can take care of me for the two weeks I can't do anything but then he has to get back to work and I said OK. Then we eat and I want to bed so we said good night and we kiss on the lips and I fell asleep happy, knowing I was with him and he care so mach for me. 

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