Chapter 7

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Felix was shaken awake vigorously by someone of the same house he couldn't yet make out and officially woken by the  yelling of

“Get up you’re gonna be late!”.

Felix blinked a few times before responding.


“Yes, late! So get your butt out of bed and get dressed or you’re gonna miss breakfast!” The prefect he had followed to the dorm last night yelled.

Scrambling out of the bed, Felix tripped over everything in sight making his way to the door. Running down the spiral staircase Felix stopped abruptly

“Crap!” He yelled, turning around back up the stairs to fetch his forgotten books, before running into the wall that turned out to be a third year walking down the stairs.

“Crap again!” Felix cried while falling back. Suddenly a firm hand was placed upon his wrist preventing him from tumbling. He was swung round the banister dramatically using magic by the third year before then being steadied on the stairs again.

Felix screamed, slapping his hand over his mouth quickly.

“Sorry” He mumbled shyly. Laughing at Felix’s awkwardness the third year smiled at him.

“It's alright, I'm Brendon by the way” Brendon exclaimed. “Aren't you the first year who sat by me at the ceremony?”.

Felix, coughed and spoke quietly. “Yeah… I think so…” He grinned in a desperate attempt to ease the tension.

“Alright. Well, have a good year I guess” Brendon walked off leaving a rather flustered Felix to shuffle back into his dorm and collect his books for his first lesson after breakfast: Flying. His fear of heights made him assume that getting on a broom would be a generally terrible experience.

* * *

Eryn leaned over to Emelie, shouting above the noise of breakfast.

“Any idea where Felix may be? Breakfast is food, Felix loves food, he doesn't ever miss it!” Emelie saw the worry in Eryn’s face, she had known Felix since she met him in that music store when she was 7. It was an unlikely meeting, granted, but one she thought was entirely due to the mystical powers of fate.

Suddenly, Felix’s figure bolted into the Great Hall, sliding through the crowd and sitting down next to Emilie, cheeks glowing red.

“Hey guys!” He spoke between breaths, leaning forward on the desk.

“You look tired. How was your sleep?” Eryn chimed in, a look of worry plastered on her face.

“Good, yeah. In fact, I overslept. I ran all the way here, but I bumped into Brendon on the way.”

“Who's Brendon?” Emilie inquired, a smile on her face. Eryn leaned over the table, smirking.

“Felix’s new boyfriend, of course!” She snickered, lifting up a piece of Felix's fringe. “Look at him, he's blushing!”

“I'm not gay, Eryn.” He spoke, a little softer than usual. “I guess we're just friends.” He wondered whether bumping into him in the middle of the corridor classified them as ‘friends’, but that along with sitting next to each other in the Sorting Ceremony cleared any doubt in Felix's mind.

They were friends.

“Well, first lesson is about to start. It's flying!” Eryn chirped.

“Yeah, flying.” A disenthused Felix echoed, nerves pooling in his stomach.

“I'm sure you'll be fine when you get started.” Emilie tried to calm her friend with a smile, pressing her hand into his. “Come on, let's get out of here before we're late.”

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone but slightly better and very cringyWhere stories live. Discover now