Chapter 2

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"Woah... Why is everyone wearing a cloak?" Eryn asked still drinking in the new sight of other witches and wizards.

"I love how that's your first question, Cloaks." Felix sighed in disbelief. "We should start with your books, follow me" he said walking off down the street, through the billowing capes that were flapping up in the wind.

"Wait up Felix, and I feel like I'm doing a lot of following today" Eryn shouted to be heard above the chatter of the other magical folk.

Pushing her way through the final mass of people she almost knocked over Felix trying to squeeze through two... portly blokes.

"This is Flourish and Blotts, you'll get all your books for the next seven years here" Felix said trying not to confuse Eryn.

"What about your books?" She asked turning to look at Felix.

"I'm using my brother's second hand books because they haven't changed the curriculum for decades and we're short of money right now." Felix answered modestly. "Actually, now I think about it, you haven't any galleons, you did bring your muggle money didn't you?" Eryn rummaged through her pockets.

"Yes, all £200 my mum let me have, I don't know how much things cost 'round here." Eryn looked down at her money in hand unsure whether it was enough.

"That should be fine, £5 is one galleon so you have 40 galleons, which should be plenty, we will have to get it exchanged at Gringotts."

"Gringotts?" She questioned, making Felix roll his eyes.

"The wizarding bank, of course?"

"Oh, that makes sense." A small blush of embarrassment appeared on Eryn's cheeks.

Once again the pair weaved through the crowd to the end of the road towards a tall, majestic building with gold writing reading 'Gringotts Wizarding Bank'. Forcing the large bronze doors open they came face to face with a large hall with two rows opposite of each other making a walkway. At the end of that walkway sat a small, wrinkly creature with long pointy ears and a few tufts of grey hair.

"Felix, what are they?" Eryn whispered to Felix standing next to her.

"Goblins, and they're rather mean so don't insult them, just... Smile?" He warned lowly "Just smile and wave boys, just smile and wave! Sorry I had to."Eryn said. Walking up the aisle, Felix cleared his throat a little as to catch the Goblins attention, fortunately he heard Felix the first time so he did not have to repeat and be seen as patronising.

"Ah Mr. Dalca, your parents were in here little over a week ago. How can I help you and..." The goblin said in his croaky voice. "This is Eryn McHale my friend, she's here to exchange some of her muggle money for galleons" Felix explained.

"Muggle money? A muggle-born I see" The goblin sneered "How much did you bring Miss McHale?". Eryn pulled out the money from her pocket

"£200 Mr Ummm... Sir?". The goblin peered over the counter at the wad of crumpled notes.

"That would be 40 galleons" The goblin muttered after a while, hopping off his tall stool, easily taller than him. Taking the notes in his hand walking to a small vault behind the desk past a mining cart it looked.

Pulling a keychain out of his pocket he unlocked the vault's door putting the notes into a safe of other notes stacked high, he then opened the next safe, counting out forty of the large, shiny coins into a small leather pouch. Locking the safe, the goblin waddled back over to the pair, climbing the stool like it was a mountain.

Handing the pouch to Eryn, he turned to Felix "Is that all?" He asked seeming slightly bored.

"Yeah, thanks" Felix replied, before turning on his heel and strutting briskly out the door, leaving a very baffled Eryn to walk out awkwardly.

* * *

20 minutes of shopping later Felix was loaded down with bags of books and robes. Eryn, on the other hand, had her cauldron hanging on her arm and was looking down at her list.

"Next thing is a wand, we'll get the pet last" She decided eventually, walking off in the direction of Ollivanders, Felix waddling behind.

Pushing open the battered wooden door Eryn glanced into the dark shop ,Felix stopped behind her "Is it open?" she whispered hesitantly.

"Always open my dear," a kind looking old man had appeared out of the darkness and was currently lighting one of the dusty candles. "One of my friends would've screamed and jumped about 6ft in the air if this had happened to her." Eryn whispered to Felix

"Hello Mr Ollivander," Felix said, stepping forward into the now warmly lit shop.

"Ah Felix, back again already. Is your wand not satisfactory? 13 ½ inches, pine and dragon heartstring, can be temperamental" Ollivander said kindly.

"We're not here for me, we're here for my friend. And my wand is great thanks." Felix replied over enthusiastically.

"Hi" Eryn muttered awkwardly... Finding her shoes the most interesting thing at this point in time.

"No need to feel embarrassed child, I've known many as gay as Felix!" He chuckled. Felix proceeded to turn bright pink and turn his voice to a whisper. "I'm not gay...". Eryn raised her eyebrows as if to say 'Yeah right'.

"I meant it in the way that you are always happy." Ollivander quickly cleared up.

Turning behind him towards the array of shelves he pulled out a box and placed it on the counter. "Go on then, give it a swish child." he handed the English Oakwood 9 ½ inch wand with thestral tail hair to Eryn. Giving it a swish a blue sparkling light protruded from the end in a cloud. "It seems as if the first wand you tried is the one for you. For some it takes hours to find the one. How unusual!" Ollivander chucked.

Eryn walked out with her new wand with Felix in tow.

"Last stop pet shop, I want a cat and that's final!" she cried aloud walking into the pet shop.

After a while, Eryn decided on a sleek black kitten and named him Nyx Loki McHale.

And before they new it they were on their way to the Hogwarts Express. 

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone but slightly better and very cringyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang