Chapter 5

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Felix didn't move. He was frozen in spot.

"Felix, that's you." Eryn whispered, nudging him forwards slightly.

Stumbling up the steps a little, Felix made his way over to the stool. Perching himself on the seat, Felix looked up at the hat being slowly lowered onto his head.

"Hmmm." The sorting hat croaked. "Dalca... Younger brother of Ellery, yes?".

"Uh yeah?" Felix replied.

"Ah, what a model student, currently the seventh year prefect for Gryffindor, hmm?" The hat asked. Felix nodded in reply. "Well then I have high expectations of you young man" The Sorting hat paused. "As for your house... I see courage... And bravery... Don't seem to be your strong points. However you seem to be a well rounded person. I think I'll put you in HUFFLEPUFF".

Felix almost fell off the stool. This wasn't supposed to happen! He was supposed to be in Gryffindor, like his entire bloodline.

Awkwardly making his way to the Hufflepuff table, he was greeted with cheers. Dropping himself next to a third year with brown hair he looked around at the smiling faces. Maybe this wasn't so bad. The colours were probably the worst around, though.

The loud voice of Professor McGonagall boomed through the Great Hall once again.

"Llywarch, Emelie." She made her way towards the Sorting Hat, a pit of dread quickly filling her stomach, set to swallow her whole. Turning around, she sat down on the stool and the hat was swiftly placed on her head.

"Interesting. There's quite a lot here, but where to put you..." The silence deafened the room as the Sorting Hat pondered its decision. It was at least a few minutes before it finally spoke. "SLYTHERIN!"

A pang of confusion rang through Eryn's gut. Slytherin? There was almost nothing about Emelie that fit the bill, she was nice, for starters. She would never lie, or hurt someone on purpose. It just didn't feel right.

A few more names were called out, before the dreaded sound echoed through the room.

"McHale, Eryn." Her legs shook beneath her as she sauntered towards the stool, the kind and glimmering smiles of the staff wholly contrasting with what she felt. What if she was put in Slytherin? Wouldn't that put her as no better than the pure-blooded wizard on the train that despised muggleborns?

"Hmm." The Sorting Hat spoke as it was lowered onto her head. Her fingers hit the sides of the stool in a desperate attempt to calm herself down. Soon enough, it spoke again. "I can see you lack compassion or empathy for others...". Eryn was offended, and another pang of anxiety hit her stomach. Could this mean the worst? "I'll have to put you in... SLYTHERIN!"

The next few seconds were a blur. Eryn found herself walking over to the Slytherin table and sitting down without a second thought. What?

"Stop looking so depressed Eryn! You've got me haven't you?" Emelie asked, nudging Eryn and smiling sweetly before collapsing in a fit of giggles.

"Your face Eryn! You looked like you were about to faint!" She giggled

"Shut up Em! You aren't even meant to be here! Your too nice to be a snake!" Eryn responded quickly

"RUDE!" came the response from the laughing blonde. Eryn quickly joined in and they earned themselves from the next door slytherins as they laughed.

"I am perfectly capable of being an evil bitch I shall have you know." Emelie said when they had calmed down.

"Hmph, yeah right and Felix is straight!" Eryn responded.

"Shut it you filthy mudbloods I am trying to listen and i don't need your mudblood crap in my ear!" Draco hissed at them from beside Eryn.

"Oh. go away hair gel." The girls said in unison before giggling again quietly.

"ATTENTION!" A loud voice rang through the hall, silencing all conversations "Welcome to another wonderful year of learning! To those returning; welcome back!".

Then after a speech given by the headteacher. The feast began, digging into the food Eryn was delighted that there enough for everyone, as long as they didn't eat too much. Felix however, didn't care about the others, they had more food on the Hufflepuff table for a fairly obvious reasons, and he was in heaven. Emelie was the only one baffled by the fact it all appeared out of thin air, being the most logical and better fitted to be a Ravenclaw.

Afterwards, they were headed off to their common rooms. To begin learning the art of magic next thing tomorrow. 

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