Chapter One

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Written by @FairyLiquid

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I stared out of the window blankly. My eyes scanned the overgrown lawn that our housekeeper, Ernestine, was trying her hardest to tackle, with mild interest. I smiled and tucked a strand of my crazed blonde hair behind one ear, soaking up the sunrays that were shining through the glass.

The weather was glorious this morning. I was tempted to just stay here on the window ledge for the rest of the day, but I knew I had to go outside at some point. My lips formed a silent yawn as I raked a hand through my hair.

There was a sudden pang from in front of me, and my eyes, not knowing that I had closed them in the first place, shot open in surprise. A small grey owl lay collapsed against the windowsill, it’s eyes drooping with fatigue. A piece of parchment was tied to its leg.

I recognized the owl immediately,

“Errol!” I gasped, opening the window to scoop the little bird up. He cooed quietly in what I assumed was a form of ‘thanks’ as I quickly crossed the room towards the empty cage that belonged to my own owl, Lux.

I placed Errol inside the cage and poured out a fresh bowl of water for him. Meanwhile, I took note to the piece of parchment tied to his leg and unravelled it eagerly.

The writing was familiar instantly.

Dearest Perrie,

We here at Weasley Manor - I grinned - would like to invite you on a spectacular once-in-a-life-time trip to the Quidditch World Cup Final this weekend! If you are able to attend then please send back a letter confirming your attendance with the owl we sent you (if it hasn’t already died of exhaustion).

We hope you can attend this absolutely SPIFFING event with us!

Yours truly,

Masters Fred and George Weasley

I finished reading with a huge smile on my face. I was hoping they would invite me! My parents weren’t able to get tickets at the last minute so this was great news for Addi and I.

Adabella Williams. My best friend for the last fourteen years was a beautiful dark haired, exotic looking girl who, along with me, was best friends with the twins and had been since we were four years old. All of our fathers worked in the same department at the Ministry of Magic, so we were introduced at an early age.

Together we made the ultimate prank team. However, it seemed the twins were a little more eager at the pranks than Addi and I were, as we still put our schoolwork before anything else. Even having fun sometimes.

There was a sudden prominent knock at the door. I quickly tossed the letter to the side and headed across the room to open it. It turned out to be Carlie, my younger sister. Her sunny blonde hair was tied up into adorable pigtails as usual and a wide beaming smile spread across her freckly face as I came into view.

“Oh good, you’re up!” Carlie exclaimed, her bright blue eyes shining, “Mum and Dad just sent me up to say that we can both go to the Quidditch Cup this weekend.”

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. “That’s great - but how did they know I was invited, let alone you?”

Carlie shrugged. “They must have gotten a letter about it too then. I’m going with Sadie. And I’m guessing you’re going with the twins.” Her smile turned mischievous. “Obviously.”

I blushed furiously. “W-what’s that supposed to mean?”

Carlie grinned, the dimples in her cheeks appearing on show. “Nothing bad, I promise.”

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