Chapter Nineteen: The massacre within the Leather Bag

Start from the beginning

She flipped the bag over and shook it vigorously. Eggshells upon eggshells tumbled out smashing into smaller pieces as they hit her floor. But what followed broke her heart. Dragons, dead baby dragons spilled from the opening hitting the floor like a mini-massacre. Emoriah dropped the bag in shock, from the messy site in front of her. Tears burned her eyes, as she counted four dragon bodies littering her floor.

A deep throttling pain gripped her heart and squeezed. How could this have happened? It's like they were forgotten in the bag, trapped till death. Shrieks erupted her train of thoughts and brought her gaze to the balcony. E moriah felt their sorrow mirror her own, as she watched Amos, and Asita glide towards her. They landed on her shoulders and nuzzled their snouts below her ear, their stomachs swollen from eating.

A shiny object beside one of the bodies caught her eye, as she bent down. By the body of an ashy pink dragon, laid two dragon eggs. Two survived! Two perfectly whole eggs, completely naive to the horrors around them. Emoriah grasped a silky pillowcase above her and wrapped the eggs cautiously inside. She held them to her chest, as she felt sobs erupt from her throat. The pain was intense. Though she never got to know these dragons, it felt as she lost a sibling or a friend. Hot tears ran down her blushed cheeks, as she fought to contain her emotions. Get in control of yourself! Wiping her tears away with the back of her hand she uses the other to unwrap the eggs studying them marveling at their beauty and uniqueness.

One egg was a lovely orange, beaming brightly against the setting sun. It was slightly larger than the second egg. She clutched the pillowcase closer to her she gazed at the second egg. This egg was different. It wasn't pretty. It didn't illuminate or sparkle. In fact, it looked like a large chicken egg. It was a glossy white, plain to some eyes, yet to Emoriah it was perfect. She had six dragons now. Two hatched four yet to come. Excitement tingled her skin at that thought.

Her door opened breaking her from her thoughts. There was only one person she knew that would come in without permission. A cold boy, with his icy blue eyes. Emoriah watched under her lashes as Kaede took in the scene in front of him. It must have been quite a scene. Her sitting on the floor, as dead dragons laid around her in a mini slaughter. Her fiery hair haloed from the sunset behind her, giving her wet stained cheeks a warm glow. Quite a sight indeed.

She hid the eggs from his view, as he walked over to her. His steps were cold and powerful crushing an eggshell every so often, as he made his way over to her. She peeked through her eyelids almost flinching from the icy expression hardened on his face. "What is this?"

Knowing he was searching her mind for answers. She let him have them. She ran through what happened, only leaving a teensy small detail out. Ok, it wasn't a small detail. But she didn't know what he would do if he knew about the dragon eggs. So, hiding a smirk behind her hand she wrapped the pillowcase tighter together. I'm going to put up a fight before he lays any hand on them.

Kaede swept his gaze around again then turned his cold gaze back to her. "I see." He said curtly, before reaching into his coat and pulling out a strange device to talk into. When he finished he returned his sharp gaze at her "I sent for someone to clean this disarray. Also, I came to give you this." He said throwing a soft object at her. Emoriah raised it to the dying light, surprised to see that it was a leather pouch.

Confusion tainted her brow. Why in the dickens would he give her this? "It's for any new surprises. So, you won't make any more mistakes." Kaede said coldly, staring at her hands with a strange intensity. She glanced down to see her hands were back to the pillowcase clutching it. He knows!

She clutched the eggs closer and tried to spit some words from her mouth. But it seemed her tongue had dried up, it sat there dead as a dried-up slug. Blast! She was just proving him more right that girls had no sense of intelligence, or bravery.

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