Diary: Post #3

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So this diary isn't going to be me talking about my day or week in every entry. Sometimes, it will be, but more often it'll be a rant or a train of thought that is so seemingly insignificant, it is significant. It will go as follows:

"May the odds be ever in your favor." These are Effie Trinket's most often quoted words from The Hunger Games. I've jokingly input this quote in many a conversation. It gives off a sense of chance, of suspense, of desperation. It's a quote that can be discussed in depth despite its brevity. Yet, I feel anger towards it! Not because 0f what is later expressed in the Hunger Games series, which is that the odds were never in the districts' favors, but because it sets a kind of taboo. It begets the idea that for the odds to be in your favor, they must not be in another's. Why can't the odds be in everyone's favor. Why can't I succeed, while others do simultaneously. Why can't I feel accomplished by my and others gains, not just mine.

I swear I'm not a communist!

Long live capitalism,


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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