Chapter 11 Calling Harry Styles

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"you know what Anne, how about you call him and tell him to call me when he has a chance, I mean since he is on tour and I want him to be in an area where we can talk"

"are you sure, I mean I just want you to be 100% sure because once I give him you phone number its done, no going back"

"Yes actually I am not going to talk to him over the phone I just want to make a plan for when he has a break to talk to him in person this conversation is not one I want to have over the phone or video chat but in person face to face"

"Ok Lou, i will call him right after we hang up and talk to him, does it matter what time he calls you I mean what time do you pick up the kids from camp?

"I Mean anytime except when I am trying to sleep I will gut him if he calls me at 3 in the morning" Louis says half jokingly and half serious" but I pick up the kids at 6, but Anne don't worry he can call me when he has time if the kids are nearby i can just walk away, I know I told them I would tell them when I talk to him but in all honesty I don't think, I am not until after we have our face to face talk"

"Oh, Lou, well what ever you think is best then do it" Anne start to say "Lou I'm going to let you go Harry is calling me and well saves me a call to him"

"Ok thank you Anne your the best ex mother in law anyone can ask for"

"Oh Louis your the best son in law any mother in law can ask for" Anne responds back with a laugh

"ok bye then"

And with that Louis and Anne hang up the phone and Anne quickly answers Harry's call

"Hello" Anne says

"HI Mom" Harry answers" How is everyone doing"

"Geez I must be popular today" Anne starts knowing that Harry will ask why and that way she can just tell him about Louis"  everyone is doing good, we all miss you, How are you doing?"

"I am doing fine just miss you guys too, being on tour has made me realize even more how stupid I was, Mom do you think he will ever talk to me? I mean its been almost 3 months since he left Holmes chapel and I am scared mom really scared what if he has decided not to talk to me, I know Jay said that to give him time but mom, I don't think he will ever talk to me I think I did to much damage and i ruined it, I ruined us I lost my family forever, Mom" Harry says almost crying as he talks a deep breath

"Son, it breaks my to hear you talk this way I wish I could be there with you to hold you, but Harry remember Jay told you to give him space for a reason and you promised her and if she kills you I will probably help her, then what will I do without you"

Harry laughs knowing that his mom was joking just trying to make him laugh" But mom why did you say that you were popular today were you on the phone with Gemma when I called"

"No, son, Louis called me" She says "We talk about twice a week catching up on the kids and some other stuff since he knows that Jay tells me everything"

"Ohhh and how are the kids what have they been up to"

"well the kids are at a day camp Louis likes to keep them busy and not have them glued to the t.v all day, Darren is taking guitar lessons he begged Louis to take him Louis didn't want to at first but Darren is  just as stubborn as Louis is and well Louis gave, Lia plays soccer and she is really good just like Louis when he was in school, and Darcy well she is taking ballet and tap dance and well H, um , um, Harry we are actually paying for them, Louis wouldn't accept our offer but we kept insisting and We had Jay talk to him and well you know Jay"

"Mom you are, thank you, can I send you the money to pay for it all I mean you don't have to tell Louis its from me"

"No, sweetheart its ok don't worry about it we insist, and Gemma got Darren his first guitar she flew out there and took him to get it i will send you a picture of them"

No More Hiccups - larry stylinson  mpregحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن