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"Did someone eat the other  brownie in the bag on the counter?" Piper asked, sauntering into the living room where we were all watching a movie. 

I winced. "Sorry...I thought those were communal brownies." 

Everyone turned around to stare at me for some weird reason. Olivia's eyes widened and I could physically see her cringe. Mark and Kade were trying not to laugh. Piper, on the other hand, was looking at me in horror. 

"They were...for all of us to share," she said. "Did you eat the entire thing?" 

I wiped my hands nervously on my jeans. "Why would you share two brownies between seven people?" 

"We weren't going to share them with you since you don't do edibles," Piper informed me, finally stating why it was such a big deal that I had eaten the brownie. 

It took a minute for it to settle in that I had just eaten an edible. Not only had I eaten an edible, but I had eaten three times the intended dose. Even though I knew it took at least 30-40 minutes for them to take effect and it had only been about 15, I immediately felt paranoid. Out of the corner of my eye, I had seen that Liam was also trying not to laugh but he finally let one escape only to cover it up as a cough. 

"Oh man..." Jenna chimed in. "You're going to be flying here in about an hour or so." 

I shook my head. "Maybe I can still throw it up or something." 

Piper shook her head. "I'm not a science person or anything, but I'm pretty sure at least half of it is in your system already." 

"Might as well sit back and enjoy the ride," Kade suggested. 

I sunk back into my chair, wide-eyed. I'd only done edibles once before and that was before high school before weed was even technically legal in our state. Even then I don't remember it having that much of an effect on me. Maybe I'd get lucky and be one of those people who doesn't react to THC. 

"Don't worry, I won't let these two asshats draw penises on your forehead like they did to me last year," Olivia assured. 

Olivia's assurance, while not the most motherly or nurturing one, made me feel better. I shouldn't be too nervous. Other than my parents, these were the people that I trusted more in the world and I knew they wouldn't let anything bad happen to me. Besides, god knew I had taken care of all of these fuckers drunk or high before. I'd even babysat Piper during an acid trip once. 

"Luckily, I brought some to smoke," Piper added. "I had no idea Snoop Dog over here was going to eat half of my edible supply." 

I smiled back at her sheepishly, still not quite sure if I was starting to feel it yet or if I was pseudo-high. 

"Oh, no," Olivia objected. "I want to be sober for this. At least for the first hour or so." 

While everyone talked about how they were going to deal with me, my mind stayed at one moment in time for longer than just a moment. Time and space were on a completely different frequency than my brain. My entire body was sinking further and further into the chair. 

Yeah, I think I was high. 


Olivia and Kade were the last ones to get high. Kade always liked to wait until half the joint was gone before he started to partake. Olivia, however, stole my phone so that she could take pictures and probably fuck with my Snapchat. I had gotten a Snapchat because Olivia told me to and now she's the only one that ever uses my own Snapchat page.

I snapped myself back from my own stray strand of thoughts. 

 Even though everyone else was starting to get gigglier and hungrier, somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that they weren't nearly as high as I was. Their brains just weren't on the same wavelength. I was starting to vibe to the universe now. 

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