Talk Of The Town

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It had been about a month since Gintoki Sakata woke up in a foreign village, but he hadn't yet left, for there were so many interesting things to the small town, not to mention he didn't have anywhere else to go. But also, this place was the only location that had you in it. Gin didn't know fully why he felt himself drawn to you so much. Maybe it was your wit, and how every other word that escaped your lips made him laugh in some way. Or maybe it was your boldness: the confidence with your place in the world felt so inspiring, and that just made you so much more interesting. What truly was the cherry on top was the fact that the two of you could nearly talk about anything. Your compatibility was unlike any other Gintoki ever had, but unfortunately, whatever it was that made him think and feel these things, Gin still didn't put it all together. And to add salt to the wound, you were very  naïve about the situation as well. You always felt joyful— your best self— whenever Gin was around. It had been like that since the day he came and tried thanking you for saving him. You couldn't remember if he actually did thank you though, for some strange reason you were more infatuated with the idea of impressing him than anything else. All in all you were both stubborn, and you will both end up staying that way, even after you both make some terrible decisions.


There was a firm knock on the door to Gin's room at the Inn. Gin tilted his head and curiously walked over.

As he slid the door opened he was greeted by your smiling face.

"Helloooooo!" you sang out, cheerfully.

"Y/N? W-what are you doing here?" Gin blinked, looking you up and down.

Not only was he surprised by your presence, he never expected you to show up to his front door in an adorable, pink yukata. His face flushed with a cherry red glow the longer he stood staring at your adorable- well, everything!

"Is that how you greet someone? With a question like that?"

"Oh, sorry! Hi, Y/N- now... what are you doing here?"

You openly laugh right to his face "Uh, isn't it obvious? I'm here to take you to the festival!"

"A festival?" you catch his crimson eyes darting about in panic "You want me to go with you?"

"No, I just came here to invite you but not have you come with me," you playfully roll your eyes.

Gin's face continued to stay red, but this time it was because he felt like an idiot, so he babbled on some more "No! I meant that I'd love to, but-"

You stop him, putting a finger to his lips "Hush, if you're going to say 'But no one in town likes me', then I've heard enough".

"But I'll ruin everyone's fun, Y/N. People don't tend to like Samurai these days, especially ones who walk into random towns covered in blood. They're already nervous of me."

"They were nervous of me too, once upon a time, but I showed them all that there was nothing to be scared of," you shrug, as if to roll all the worries off your shoulders.

"Why did anyone have to be on guard around you? What happened back then that would lead people to assume you were bad?"

You grow silent, biting your lip and turning away slightly.

Love For A Samurai [Gintama: Gintoki x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now