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Blood rolled along the dirt path but was quickly washed away by the heavy, down pouring rain. The dark, ominous clouds engulfed the sky, making a vast layer of gray that stretched out as far as the eye could see. Gintoki Sakata internally cursed to the heavens and the earth it drifted over as he looked at the vast expanse of storm clouds that was blurring in and out of his focus to his eyes. He could just barely clutch to the wound in his side— his body was growing too weak. Deciding to accept fate, he gave in, no longer determined to fight to keep his senses up. As the already subtle light started to fade from his eye he felt his body becoming light, as if he was being lifted off the ground.

Finally... he thought to himself. It's about time I get some rest.


It was warm and cozy in the room where Gintoki opened his eyes. He squinted, confused by the stiff bed he found himself waking up on "Huh?"

As Gintoki came to his senses, he glanced around the room with tired eyes, noting the plain surroundings that was the small, unfamiliar room.

The sliding Japanese door on the opposite wall then quickly whooshed open.

"Oh, you're finally up!" a cheerful, old man bounced inside.

"Am I... dead? God, heaven looks like shit- well, I guess it must be hell, because of all those things I did. I guess it's not so bad then," Gintoki gave a small shrug, still feeling a stiffness in his upper body.

"Dead?" the old man cut him off with a quizzical flare in his voice "Why, you're not dead, Son, not at all! But you almost were, with that wound in your side and all".

"Wound?" Gintoki looked down to his bare chest, finally noticing the big bandage wrapped around his torso. He also finally noticed the ache in his side, and how it stung every time he moved.

"Yes yes, it was a tough one to stitch up too, but hey, I guess I'm just talented!" the doctor pulled a stool up next to Gintoki's hospital bedside and took a seat "With that, I'd say I'd deserve to know where you got that heavy damage to yourself-" he stopped, glancing at the Shitagi hanging up on the coat rack in the corner of the room.

The Shitagi— which is a Kimono-like attire, but just a bit shorter, and worn by Samurai—once covered in blood, belonged to Gintoki. Also in the corner was a wooden sword that had clearly seen better days.

"I feel I might already know how-" the Doctor continued "and frankly I don't want to be caught up in that business of yours, Samurai".

Gintoki nodded, but not speaking a word in response. Instead, he simply shifted the subject "So, how did I get here Doc? Surly your boney ass is too frail to drag my limp body to this bed".

The Doctor swiftly swung his hand and struck the side of Gintoki's head.

"Ow! Geez, Old Man!"

"Shut up, Boy, or I'll open that wound up for you again."

Gintoki winced, rubbing the new formed lump on his head just under his silvery white, wavy hair.

"If you must know," the Doctor moved on "a kind, young lady found you in the rain. If it were me to have found you first I would have left your fat ass to die in the mud, but I just couldn't say 'No' to Miss L/N's pleading eyes".

Love For A Samurai [Gintama: Gintoki x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now