"Yeah. Just rub it in about how young  you are compared to me," Harry grumbled, making Liam chuckle and kiss his cheek.

"You could really pass off as our kids great-great-great-greandfather with your real age," the younger man teased, earning a scowl from his husband. "Aw, come on. You know it's true."

"Doesn't mean you have to keep reminding me about how old I really am."

"I love you, honey."

Harry just scoffed and avoided Liam's eyes, even though he was tempted keep looking back at his beloved. "Mhm."

"Dad, Papa! This is the room!" Claire called out a short distance away as she was practically bouncing from excitement in front of a door. "Ethan and I are gonna go in now, cuz you two are busy flirting and frolicking there."

"Make sure you knock firs- " 

Instead of letting her Dad finish, Claire opened the door and started congratulating the person in there. Ethan cursed under his breath for Claire's loudness, but followed after her with the bouquet in hand and paused at the doorway when he didn't recognize the person.

"Oh! Whoops! Wrong room. My bad. We're really sorry,... Sir?" Claire exclaimed.

"I'm a woman!"

"Okay. We're gonna go now. Sorry, Ma'am," Ethan interjected, quickly pulling Claire out and rushing over to the room across with the right number. "Wrong room, Claire."

"Sorry. I really thought it was the right one," his twin said with a sigh. "But did you see her? I actually thought she was a man!"

Ethan shook his head and knocked on the correct door, then walked in after someone called out they could come inside. Claire squealed and skipped inside, cooing at the babies immediately.

Liam and Harry could hear Claire clearly even from where they were still walking, hearing her cooing at the babies. The younger father smiled up at Harry, and pulled his hand to quicken their pace to the room.

With a knock on the door, Liam and Harry walked in to greet their son and his girlfriend. Maddy smiled tiredly from the bed, waving at them as Dylan was in the chair beside her, looking as white as a sheet. Stifling their laugh, Liam and Harry went over to their youngest son cautiously, making sure not to scare him even more.

"Hey, Dyl. Congrats on the triplets," Liam started gently, placing a light hand on his son's shoulder.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Hey, Dad and Papa. Congrats to me," the teen responded distractedly, shaking his head to hopefully clear it from the images of the birth from his head. "Can't get it out of my head."

"Did you even manage to stay for one of the births at least?" Harry questioned teasingly.

"Actually, he stayed for all three of them," Maddy informed them. "He almost threw up a few times, but he managed to stay the whole time. He hasn't even left the room yet. I think he even took a video of the whole thing."

Her boyfriend smiled appreciatively at her, squeezing her hand. "I still feel like passing out now, though. I wish I didn't know what it looked  like. Ugh. With all the crying and screaming..."

"From Maddy or from you?" Ethan asked playfully, laughing with Claire.

"Both of us, I guess," Dylan admitted hazily, surprising everyone else that he actually said that. "I couldn't really stop myself from screaming and crying with Maddy. That's  how awful it was to watch the births of my children."

"Have you carried them yet?" Claire questioned, smirking at her twin.

"Cuz if you have, did you drop them already?" Ethan added as he chuckled with her.

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