"Where are the others?" I asked

"Rose, James and Fred had detention"

"Really for what?" I said distractedly looking at the letter on the table

"For chucking dung bombs at peeves" said Scorpius as if this was an obvious fact "don't you remember?"

"Um yeah sure what ever"

"Jenn you okay you look a little strange" I looked up to see a pair of blue eyes looking curiously at me oh my I could swim in those eyes. Wait no bad Jenn concentrate your upset remember

"Thanks, I just got told that I have to meet the French minister"

"What's that?" Scorpius asked gesturing towards the letter on the table. I looked at the enveloped with its purple M stamped in the top corner

"A letter about the French ministers visit" I picked up the letter and weighed it in my hand

"Well aren't you going to open it?" Scorpius asked eyeing the letter with interest

"I suppose so" I ripped opened the envelope and official looking paper fell out each sheet stamped with the same M I picked up the first sheet.

Dear Miss Kent

The date of the French Ministers visit has been set for the 5th till the 8th of October. The visits will last three days the plans include a tour of muggle and magical London on the first day followed by a informal meal at your family home. On the second day both ministers will engage in talks and you and Mrs Kent will entertain Mrs LaPaine and her son there shall be a formal meal in the evening. On the final day both families shall talk to the press and the French Minister shall leave after a light lunch. The French minister and his family shall be staying with you in your family home. You shall be leaving Hogwarts on the evening of the fifth via floo powder; Lipsy the house elf shall be accompanying you. Your mother has your outfits ready so you shall not have to bring any luggage with you. Your father the minister also requests that you learn as much French as much French as you can prior to the trip.

Yours sincerely,

Patty Davies

Secretary to the Minister


"He wants me to do WHAT?!?" I shouted throwing the letter away from me getting few looks as I did "I can't believe him"

"What is it?" a confused looking Scorpius asked

"French! He wants me to...! French!" I rambles as I collected my stuff together I got up and strode out of the hall "Jenn wait up what about French?!?" I span around

"Read it" I told him and then proceed to march out of the Hall towards the common room. " Pygmy Puff!" I shouted at the Fat lady before marching into the common room first years scattered as I marched toward the fireplace and took my favourite seat by the fire Scorpius sat opposite me "he wants' you to learn French?" Scorpius asked I nodded, how dare he just ask me to learn French. How am I meant to do that? I sat fuming at my father as Fred, James and Rose walked in "what happened?" Fred asked "the First years look petrified and you have your angry face on" rose sat on the arm of my chair James joined Scorpius on the sofa and Fred made him self at home on the floor ignored Fred's question.

"Well, she shouted at the Fat Lady and then proceeded to march into the common room glaring daggers at the first year that was in her chair" Scorpius said I glared at him.

"Do you think that if we got Jenn really angry red bolts would shoot out of her eyes?" Fred pondered

"Yeah like lasers" James joined in

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