Chapter 26: Dreading Reality

Start from the beginning

"Oh, great! What a nice collaboration!"

No! They're both mad. I wouldn't let anything happen to Mason or Carl. So I intervened.

"Kill me."

Every eye focused on me and I couldn't help but gulp under their intense gazes but I never let myself falter. I bit my lips.

"Are you crazy!" Mason was the first to shout. "Never. It's not happening. I'll happily give my life if it's for you Angel but never would I let you put yourself in danger!"

"Mason, don't you think you're being unfair? I care about you too and it's m-"

"I'm hearing nothing, Cherry!"

"But Mason, why dont you understand?" I said as I move a but closer to him before one of the men stopped me, "I care about you. It's better if I choose myself because my heart hurts when I think about you not being here with me. To support me, care about me and protect me. Mason I've absorbed you so much into my life that my heart stops to even think about parting from you. I feel strongly towards you, Mase . I can't imagine my life without you. Mason, I-I lo--"


My words were stuck in my throat when a gunshot sounded as Mason fell down. Another gunshot sounded hitting Mason on his stomach.

An gasp of horror left my mouth as I watched that horrendous scene unfold in front of my eyes. My eyes became blurry as I saw my Mason fall. I felt dizzy.
Why? Why did I distract him with my stupid declaration?!

Mason!" shouted myself as everything else became silent. Nothing could be heard. It was like everything stilled and I thought I could even hear a pin drop. All of Mason's men stilled. I rushed towards him and took his head on my lap and put my hand on his wound.

His breathing was ragged and he smiled slightly, lifting his bloody hand to my cheek, "I c-care about you too, Cherry. I have strong f-feel-ings towards you too. Except. . .I-I liked you from the. . .day we fi-rst m-met. You were so ad-orable."

I remember that time. Clearly.

I forgot about everybody else because in that moment, it was only us. Mason and I. I didn't even see if anybody was fighting or not. I didn't give a look to the surrounding to see what was going on. Because all that mattered to me right now was Mason.

The love of my life. The first guy I was have ever loved.

Suddenly, he laughed, wincing for a moment, it scared me. "Don't be scared, my love. You w-ill be. . .okay." His breath was becoming heavier by the moment and my tears had no boundaries. I was practically sobbing by now. "I have s-so much to talk ab-bout with you but I guess f-fate does n-not want tha--"

"No, please don't say that, Mason. I can't live without you--"

"Shh," he said as he wiped my tears. I sniffed as few times tried to keep my tears at bay because all I wanted to do was see Mason, clearly and not the blurry image of his. "Maybe, M-maybe, our time t-tog-gether was j-j-just this much b-but my love i-is not. Please. P-please, close m-my eyes with y-your ha-hands."

"No. Never. You're not leaving me! MASON, TO HELL, YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!"

"I love you, Angel," he whispered, cupping my cheek with his bloody hand, tightly before wiping my tears once again, "Never cry, my love."

And just like that, my world stopped. Along with him.

I never got a chance to say: I love you, too.

I love you, too, Mason. From the bottom of my heart, soul and body. I belonged to you and I always will. I would never ever forget you. You were my first love and you will be my last.

Always and Forever.

●●●●●●THE END●●●●●●

So, their journey comes to an end here.

You didn't take that seriously? Good. Because, this book is not finished yet.

But I can say that I seriously cried while writing this chapter. I had never imagined that one of my protagonist would die and I hadn't even originally planned it. 😢

My head is really aching.

I'll appreciate your thoughts on this chapter. And you're also allowed to kill me.

I'm sorry for the long wait and this horrible chapter.

My next update will be early and within this week. Perhaps, a day or two later.☺

Also a big thanks to all my followers for making me reach 500 followers. I'm so glad! ;)


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