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Still feeling the hatred of the Kingdom of Corona, the Young Alchemist Boy keeps his Revenge upon the Royal Family bubbling inside himself. He may be treated fairly in the cell, but that didn't change the fact that his father is still encased in amber.

Fate finally steps in one night. Giving the boy one more chance to fix things with everyone and with himself.

Will Varian learn to Rise Above Himself?


Here we see a Kingdom. A Kingdom that always looks forward to a brand new day, hence the Royal Crest is a Sun. This Kingdom was also the one with many secrets tying in with another Kingdom faraway.

These two Kingdoms have held a secret for a long time with only a very few who know.

This story began with a Princess with Magical Hair. She held the Sundrop flower within herself. The very thing to stop the root of the problem of both Kingdom's.

The Kingdom of Corona and The Kingdom of Darkness. It is unknown what the true name the Darkness Kingdom had been long ago and it is unknown what had happened to it.

Many things had lead up to another with this secret.

Destiny sometimes rushes into things and causing more wounds in everything and everyone that is near her target.

Princess Rapunzel of Corona.


This is where Fate steps in. Fate is the one to fix Destiny's holes of mistakes like that of a mother picking up after a child's tantrum.

One thing at a time to pick up the mess left behind.

Of course Destiny didn't have only one target. She choose two. The first was the Princess of Corona……….and the second was the Young Alchemist of Old Corona.

The young teen boy had gotten the bad end first and Fate felt pity for him, so she chose a target of her own. This particular person is also the one who she had given a ship made from her own hands.

This secret the kingdom's held was also a strand away from Fate's Target as well.

Destiny's Second Target and Fate's Target will help each other.

These Kids Aren't Alright and must Rise Above Themselves like a Phoenix Rising from its Ashes.

The night Fate strikes was now.

Loud snores echoed in the cell block of Castle Corona and the torches on the walls illuminated each cell with a glow to see the prisoners inside. Some prisoners were asleep, some sat up awake, or some conversed quietly to each other. It was better at night than in the day which prisoners were annoying the guards.

Everyone knew the teen boy's name because of what he did. Betraying the Princess, attacking the castle, kidnapping the Queen, causing treason. Yet, here he was being treated fairly in a cell. Possibly more better than the other prisoners.

Of course they all stopped questioning him and left him alone when he scream out in rage the first week he was in his cell;


One of the prisoners, Lady Caine, had also told everyone to leave him alone. She wasn’t helping him, it was because she was getting very annoyed from all the idiots in the cells.

The young teen and young alchemist known as Varian, laid on the wooden bed with his arms behind his head. The blanket and pillow that were given to him requested by the Queen which is tossed to the floor.

Rising Above Yourself (Varian x Pirate! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now