The stranger

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Reporter: Ms Judith... please tell us something last about your husband!!

Judith: I said whatever i had to say know please goo !

She went inside and locked the doors, reporters where going crazy out of her house when she saw a man sitting on the halls big couch drinkin a cup of tea while readin a newspaper.

Judith: Excuse me h...

Stranger:Oh huh, hi Judith you probably dont remember me hmm,well im a reporter of...

Judith: HOW DARE YOU i said no other reporters and you get into my owm hous...

Stranger: Well its a very good hous..
Judith: Wha..

Stranger: Ok listen Judith i am a reporter of a big news company out there and...

Judith: I dont care i m gonna call the security...

Stranger: Look its not necessar...

Judith: Jack come up we have a prob...

Stranger: I AM ONE OF HIS SONS...

After that phrase silence fullfilled the room .Judith's green eyes were slowly filled with liquid , while bittin her lips she sat on the red couch facing the stranger

Judith: You really are aint you?(ready to cry)

Stranger: Yes

Judith: Oh God i cant believe it

Stranger: I gt the sign too (shows his palm)
When security boys entered the room

Security j:Boe put yo hands up na or imma smash yo b...

Judith: Jack its fine , i can hundle this

Security j: Oh...Are y sure mæm?

Judith: Yess now go...sorry about that boy ...So you didn tell me your name

Stranger: It doesnt matter anymore, i just came for one thing and you know whats that, i wanna know Judith

Judith: Your brothers put y to come here because they want y to get the story aint that right?

Stranger: Judith (holds her hand) i only want to know this story...for me

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