Tipsy DuBios

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There was nothing for me here.

I signed loudly as I tapped my finger against the counter. The music that blasted around me made me half deaf, and the sounds of the jostling crowd didn't help much either. I glanced at Cindy who was flirting with what seemed to be a new friend at the bar. This 'celebration' is beyond whack. I finally graduated, and she decided it was a good idea to go out and have drinks.

And we have been drinking, mind you. Infact, I'm a little tipsy, but good ole-Cindy still SOMEHOW didn't find me entertaining enough and made a new friend at the bar. I stand and tell the bartender to put it on Cindy's tab and make my make out without even bothering to let her know. Let her panick, she deserves it.

The cool evening air is like a slap to my face. It lifts my curls slightly as I blink. I'm aware that I'm drunk, at least, but I figured it'be worse. I wave a while before a cab actually stops for me. When it does, clutching my clutch in one hand, I reach for the handle with the other.

"Mind if we share a cab?"

My earth shakes. My eyes snap to the side where I gaze at the sexiest chocplate I've ever seen. Tall, dark, goreous eyes, and a jaw that could cut. I note the long coat that hangs onto his straight and fit frame of a body. He tilts his head slightly when I say nothing.

"S-Sure. Hop on in!"

He side-steps me slightly and opens the door for me. I smile gratefully at him and not so gracefully step into the vehicle, almost falling on my face. I steady myself and sit as straight as I can. The man sits down next to me and closes the door. We say our same locations to the driver at the same time and look at eachother.

The taxi moves and I get hit with a wave of nausea.

The drive is silent. I peek at the stranger as many times as I can, but with my current state, I'm not as stealthy as I want to be. At some point he turns his head and stares hard at me.

"I'm Jasmine," I blurt, and hold out my hand in the space between us.

He nods, totally ignoring my hand that drops. "Huey."

"You're really hot," I say again. I obviously wanted to be more subtle when complimenting his appearance, but I'm blaming the alcohol.

His right eye twitches in response and he says nothing.

"I mean!" I cough into my hand. "Sorry if I come off too strong, I'm--"

"Drunk," he finishes, "I figured."

There's a silence. I see the driver glance at us in the review mirror and shake his head. " live in the same area?"

He says nothing.

"I stay in Woodlin Apartments," I go on, "I moved there like...2 years ago? And been working my ass off trying to make money.  But ya know what? I finally did it, I made enough to open my clinic."

He arches an eyebrow. "Clinic?"

I yawn. "Animal hospital."

"I didn't take you as a vet."

I shrug tiredly. "What do you dooo?"


"Big words..."

He scowls and I shrink slightly under his gaze. He was already looking incredibly intimidating, but when he scowls? Yowzers.

The cab pulls to a stop after what seems like a decade. Huey pays the driver what looks like both our fare and steps out. I step out after him and trip over the pavement. He catches me. I barely hear the cab drive off.

"Welp," I smile and lean back, holding onto his forearms to steady myself. "Twas nice to meet you, Huey, I'm hoping I'll see you around?"

Huey ignores me and looks down the streets at a common group of men that hang out here every night. "What's your apartment number?"

"My apart--Oh! Oh!" I blink. "I'm not that type of girl! I mean, not that you're anywhere near unattractive, but--"

"No, you id--" he catches himself. "Jasmine, I just want to make sure you make it back safe."

I smile lazily. "How sweeeet. 212."

Leading me isn't the easiest thing. I trip on the first steps into the building more than once. I hear his sigh of relief when we make it into the elevator, and finally to my door. I fumble with my hand in my clutch for a long while before I find the keys. Huey snatches them from me and unlocks the door himself. There's a click and it opens slightly with a low creak.

I face Huey again. He places the key in my hand, and as he does, our fingers brush. I look up at his face, to find him already staring at me. I could blame it on the alcohol, or I could blame it on my hormones, but whatever it is doesn't change the fact that I lean forward.

As if he expected it, he turns his head before my lips can make contact with his and they meet his cheek. I catch a strong whiff of a manly cologne and never lean back, basking in the scent, lips hovering above his jaw. His hand that was handing me the keys now presses my chest gently and pushes me backwards. He's careful not to touch my breast, making contact with my skin right above them. I blink dazily at him.

"Just how drunk are you?" He grunts lowly, but he can't deny the slight burning in his cheeks. He nods towards my door. "You should sleep."

I nod sleepily and turn in. He closes the door behind me and I collapse on my tin y couch.


The next morning, I feel like I got hit by a truck. There's a pounding that I hear in the hallway with some shuffling that only makes my head worse. I stand up adrubtly and stomp to the door before swinging it open. "What's all the--"

Two men walk up the corridor, one with dreadlocks carrying a small television in his arms, and another with cornrows walking by his side. They glance back over their shoulders at me with confused expressions. The one with cornrow's eyes darts from my tight dress, to my most likely shitty looking face, up to my mess of curls. He chuckles. "Someone had fun last night."

The one with dreadlocks says something I can't hear and they both laugh as they walk into the apartment next door.

I frown. "Who's moving in?" I mutter to myself.

"You look like absolute crap."

I whirl around and gasp at the sight of the same man behind me from last night. This time around, he's only looking like an everage Joe in a t-shirt and jeans. His hands are in his pockets. I blush at the memory of what exactly happened last night and scratch the back of my neck. "You're the new tenant?"

His eyes dart over my shoulder at the loud sound of his friends talking. He looks straight at me again. "Yes."

"Sorry, but I seemed to have forgotten your name," I laugh nervously.

He smirks slightly and my heart does a flip. "Irrelevant." With that said, he side steps me and walks away, breezing past.

I shake my head and groan lightly, pressing my cool palm to my forehead. "I'm never drinking again."


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