He Ain't It - You Are

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"I...I can't do it..."

"Cindy? Cindy, breathe."





Cindy ran into the bathroom, the halo of her wedding gown swaying around her ankles. She slammed the door and locked it too. She heard Jazmine bang it from the other side. "Cin! Open this door! The moment you say 'I do' you won't ever feel like this again."

"Promise me!"


"Promise me! Promise me he's my Huey! Tell me this ain't ah mistake, Jazz."

There was a silence, and then Cindy heard a sigh. "I can't do that, Cindy."

Cindy, with her back to the door closed her eyes, and didn't realise she was crying until she felt the wetness. Jazmine banged the door again. Cindy eventually opened it and threw her arms around her maid of honour. She soaked her dress, but Jazmine didn't care.

"Jazmine! Where are you guys?!" A voice shouted from downstairs. The groom appeared, his brown hair was slicked back and his tux was dashing. "The ceremony's about to--"

He stopped when he saw the condition the girls were in. Jazmine scowled and turned around so Cindy's back wad facing him. "Don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride?"


Riley was slouched on the couch, with a beer in one hand and the remote in the other. He could barely hear BET over the screaming in his head, ghe screaming that told him to go get her. He ignored it though.

It was gay.

"I found another one like you said, Uncle Riley." An eight year old girl walked into the room. Her caramel skin was as soft as a baby's bottom, scented like ripe cherries. Her bright brown eyes were sharp and quick, and her hair was strawberry blonde and tied into two curly pigtails that only contributed to her cuteness.

A beer bottle was in her hand. She placed in on the coffee table in front of Riley. "Uncle Riley, you've been drinking a lot. Don't you know the substances this 'drink' contains basically poisons brain cells? It disrupts the transfer of impulses. That's why people get drunk."

Riley looked at her with a slow look. "You yo daddy's girl, all right." He took a swig of his drink.

Footsteps were heard and Huey came down the stairs. The black suit he wore was dashing, and elevated his good looks. His afro was combed up in perfection. He scowled at the mess downstairs. "Riley. Can you not do this mess around my daughter?" He walked up to the little girl. "Go upstairs and get ready, Eva."

Eva stretched her hands up. "Kiss kiss!"

Huey pecked her on the head. "Go on."

Eva smiled wildly, making him smirk, and rushed upstairs to follow her father's orders. Riley coughed. "Gay."

Huey scowled at him.


"Riley, have you lost your mind? Now you're sending my kid to fetch your beer bottles? If you're going to sulk like this, go do it in your own apartment." He kicked a beer bottle. "And make your own mess their too."

"I'll clean it up, damn." Riley took another swig of his beer and burped.

Huey stared at him and examined his state. He crossed his arms. "Cindy's getting married today."

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