Supernatural (Part 1)

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I stared at his eyes. They pierced through my soul with such an intensity that my body heated up from the inside out. I couldn't tell if it was from fear or...arousal?

His irises were as silver as titanium, and glew as the moon did that same night. The tips of his fangs gleamed, dripping with nothing yet, but I was sure that it'be with my blood. He reminded me of the same animals from my supernatural shows, but this was different, this was real. I felt his body hear radiate over to me. He was too close, close.

His hand clasped me around my throat, and I shrieked. My ringlet brushed against his knuckle. "Just..." I breathed, shutting my eyes. "Just do it already..."

But nothing happened.

His hand slackened and my eyes fluttered open. He didn't move a muscle. "I'm not going to."

"You want my blood, don't you?" I weeped, shrinking when his eyes narrowed even more. I was angry. At myself.

I just had to be curious and sneak out towards midnight to attend some silly party at Cynthia's. I just had to take the shortcut through the woods. And now here I am - back pressed against the bark of a tree, frightened to death.

I thought they were all just fairytales.

But this was no story.

A cool breeze wafted in the night air, blowing slightly through the man's monster of hair. It was the biggest I had ever seen, bigger than mine anyway.

He stepped back, finally. His eyes turned to that sharp silver to a chocolate brown, and I watched - mesmerized. He stood silent for a while. "You're lucky to have bumped into me, rather than another predator," He stated all knowingly. His was voice husky and deep, and sent an arousing shiver down my spine. "Never leave your home at night, and if I see you again? Our meeting will not be pleasant."

My voice was caught in my throat. He turned, cloak flying and slapping me lightly before he began to stomp away. "Wait!" I rushed after him, "Sir! Sir, I--"


That caught me off guard. "H...Huey?"

He looked at me over his shoulder.

"Why didn't you harm me?" My question was genuine.

I saw a glint of silver in his eyes. "Not all of us night creatures are as demonic as your elders tell you to be, Jasmine."

My eyes widened like saucers. He knew my name? I blinked and got hit with a powerful whiff of wind. Before I knew it, he was gone.

My eyes darted all around me, but the handsome stranger with the fangs and the silver eyes really had disappeared. I left the forest that night, clutching into my charm, being eaten up by the mystery of whether I'd ever see him again.


"That was horrible."

"I liked it!"

Eva glared at her little sister, Chasity, who clutched the bear tightly to her chest. "Keep going, mama!"

Jasmine grinned at her little angel and stood up. "That's enough, love, it's time for you to sleep."

"Aww! But mommy! What happens next?! Does she ever see him again?" The six year old looked up at the mulatto with huge eyes.

Eva, who was more like her father scoffed. 

Jasmine tucked them both in and kissed them on the cheeks. "You'll find out tomorrow night, honey."

Chasity pouted as Eva rolled her eyes again. "Mom," the 10 year old said, "If you insist on telling us bedtime stories, at least tell us real ones. Like one about Malcolm X? Or--"

"Nerd alert!" Her sister interrupted, making her glare daggers at her.

Jasmine laughed and blew the two kisses before closing the door behind her. She blew out a small huff. She switched off the hallway lights and made her way to the bedroom where her husband currently lay in bed, reading.

"Kids are alseep."

"And?" Huey, said, without looking up.

"Annnd..." Jasmine walked around and pulled the book away with her fingers. She tossed the book on the nightstand and sat herself on his lap. "I believe we have a few hours before were totally alone again."

She smirked, and Huey smirked back.


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