We need to talk. It was from Adam.

"Oh my God." I breathed as she whipped around and stood by me, reading the text, making her gasp.

"What?" Alex and Milo both asked, sitting up a little straighter to show interest.

"It's from Adam." I whispered, but didn't take my eyes off the screen. "He says we need to talk."

"Then go." Peter said suddenly, and I didn't hear him come back into the room. "You two need to make up. I know you can't tell him about the agency or you're a thief or anything, but Molly and I couldn't stand it if one of you didn't show up to our wedding." He crossed his arms, looking at the floor, "I don't know how he's reacted about you killing Tori, and I don't know what fake story you've made up, but please find a way for him to not completely hate you."

"She can't go, who knows what he'll do." Alex spoke up and stood up. "Since Belle killed Tori, he could've been planning revenge the entire time."

"He's not going to kill me." I stated confidently. Like he could.

"But he'll try."

"Belle, I've got this here." Peter assured, "I'm the leader of this team, anyway. Two hours. Go."

I didn't have to be told twice. My guns were in my purse and a knife was strapped to my right thigh as I headed out, texting Adam back.

Still live in the same apartment?

It didn't take him long to respond. Yes.

My driving was definitely in need of improvement of how I drove. Spastic and fast, but didn't hit anything. I was just so nervous about going over there. What would he say, what was the result, and how did it affect me?

When I knocked on the door, it opened almost immediately. He didn't look much different. His hair was trimmed very recently, considering it was the same length. But the spark in his eyes was gone. Maybe he was paler. I couldn't tell.

"Belle." He breathed, probably shocked to see that I actually came.

"May I come in?" I asked, taking this as seriously as possible. He nodded and opened the door wider, and I stepped inside. "How many people did you tell?"

"None." He shut the door, "Because I don't believe you."

"You have to believe me, Adam." I stayed standing so he wouldn't tower over me so much. "And you need to believe how incredibly and undeniably sorry I am for it. I didn't know she was your fiancée. All I knew was that she shot my… best friend. And then I shot her."

"Why would she shoot someone!? She's never even fired a gun! She never hurt anyone in her life!" His voice raised drastically, voice shaking and tears prickling his eyes. "She had a family, she wasn't a violent person, and she worked at Target. She didn't own a gun, none of us did. How could she have shot someone!?"

I couldn't tell him. I knew I couldn't, which made this so much harder then I could bear.

"Belle, if you want to leave, do it." I heard Alex's voice in my ear, talking through the earpiece. "But you can't blow our cover."

"She was darker then you thought." Was the only thing I could say.

He shook his head, "And you. How can I believe that I fell in love with the woman who shot and killed my previous fiancée? How did this world get so funny like that, huh?"


He cut me off, but turned around to stare at the wall, and do anything to not face me. "Where did you two meet? How did you know each other? Did you know about me, or my son? Did you know that the love of my life was killed and you had to come into my life to make sure I was okay?"

Teacher and the ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now