The beginning of hate

Start from the beginning

"What the hell,  Kacchan." You growled out, trying to keep your cool. Ignored...again.

"Deku, just give it up. If you two wanted to do something then why don't you jump off the school's roof and hope to be reborn with a quirk in the next life." Was what Kacchan said before walking out, leaving you and Izuku alone. 

"He...just.." You breathed out, the words he said before shattered your heart. You looked over at Izuku, you could tell he was about to cry. "Hey... let's go get the journal alright?" You say softly.




You watched as your brother got whisked away because he decided to cling on All Might's leg after he saved you. You were going to give him a lecture for sure. Sighing, you went towards the city to follow them, you couldn't leave Izuku on his own.

Seeing a head of green from the corner of your eye, you knew you've found him.

"Izuku!" You shouted, running over to him. Your smile instantly faded when you saw his distraught state. "Did something happen?"

"I don't think i want to be a hero anymore (y/n)..." He said.

"Wha- why not? It's been your dream since we were little, you even dragged me to watch that All Might video with you." You say, concern in your voice.

"I'm quirkless (y/n), i can't be a hero, All Might even said it to me.." He replied. Your mouth ran dry at that. Izuku's idol just said he couldn't be a hero and that probably crushed him. A loud explosion interrupted your thoughts.

"Hey, that's probably a villain, do you wanna check it out? Like what we used to do." You suggest, not waiting for Izuku's response before dragging him to the destination.


Maybe that's when you decided to dislike heroes or it was when no-one would do anything when Kacchan was in the clutches of the same villain that attacked you and Izuku earlier.

'Why aren't they doing anything? They're pros for fucks sake.. and yet they stand idle while someones in danger?'

Your thoughts bubbled in your head and so did your dislike for heroes. While lost in your thoughts, your brother jumped into the scene.

"wha- Izuku!" You tried to run after him but was held back. "Oi, let go of me! I can't stand here while my brother is running in there! Let me go!" As you were struggling to break free, you could only watch as your brother ran at the villain and threw his backpack at them, hitting them in the eye before trying to get Kacchan out. All you could do is watch.

A strong gust of wind flew through the alley and revealed All Might, saving the day once again. You broke free when your brother was placed down on the ground, passed out.

"Izuku...Izuku!" You say, slapping him awake.

"(y/n)?" he asked.

"That's me! Now get up, you're going to get soaked." You say before helping him up. Though the moment was short lived before you had heroes lecturing Izuku on what he did was dangerous. You felt your hate grow more, Izuku did what none of these heroes did and they lecture him about it? Twisted thinking if you ask me.

After getting away from that, you let Izuku walk home alone. You had to go to a bookstore and you didn't want to drag Izuku around. He was tired and needed rest.

Walking out of the bookstore, parsel in hand, you went home. Greeted with your worried mom, you assured her that you were fine. You walked into Izuku's room to check up on him.

"Hey there bro bro. Tired from today?" you ask, taking a seat in his chair. Izuku looked at you from his bed before giving you a smile.

"A bit but i feel better now!"

You returned his cheerfulness, "That's great to hear! Anyways, are you still going to U.A.? After everything today you know..."

Izuku sat upright and gave you a determined look. "I still plan on it! All Might even took back his words after what i did. I'm going to become the greatest hero you'll ever see (y/n)!"

"I'll support you in evey way possible Izu." You say. "I'm heading to my room now so don't bother me till dinner!"

"I won't!"

Smiling, you headed to your room. It was plain, a few posters here and there but nothing special. Closing the door, your smile dropped. Even if All Might apologized for saying Izuku couldn't be a hero, the rest of them left a bitter taste in your mouth. They didn't step in when situations were dire and scolded those who did something. You're pretty sure some just play hero for fame and money too and that made you sick to the core.

Your hatred had sparked and turned into a roaring fire. Maybe it was time someone put them in their place.


End of chapter one

Mistakes? Comment and I'll correct it.


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