Chapter One

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"Yah! Why did I do that?!" I yelled while I was sitting on the edge of my bed; facing our one year old pictures.

I was just staring at my reflection on a mirror that was inside my room. And realized that everything can never go back to the way it used to be and I know that I regret all the things that I've said.

"It wasn't me, I'm sorry." Tears escaped when all our memories flashed before my eyes. It was already late so I've decided to sleep and just take the consequences of my actions.

{The day after}

"Jagiya! Ireona! It's time for my sun to shine." I again heard his voice that was set as my alarm in the morning. I took my phone that was on top of the table that was right beside my bed and quickly changed it to default.

Darkness filled my room and the only source of light was the lamp beside me. I then opened the curtains and windows so that the 'awesomeness' of the world could enter, hoping that it would make the atmosphere quite fresh.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face before walking out of my room to prepare for my breakfast. When I was in the kitchen I then kinda feel lazy to cook so I've decided to call my friends to come over and for them to bring food and snacks. (Lol, what a very brilliant idea HAHA)

{Calling Zujin, Mazi, Yana and Loonie}

Y/N: Hey guys want to come visit me here?

Zujin: Uhm... Imma try cuz Jun asked me to bring him over some snacks for their outing together with his friends.

Yana: I wish I could but my parents won't let me.

Y/N: What about you Mazi?

Mazi: Yeah I'm going... I want to hear your story *cough*

Loonie: Ommo! What story? I'm also coming so wait for me.

Y/N: Stop the both of you I'm still ... Just come over okay?

Mazi and Loonie: Araso, want us to bring you breakfast?

Y/N: Yes? Please...

Zujin and Yana: We want to hear it too! So we're also coming...

Y/N: Yana, what about your parents?

Yana: I already managed to make an excuse HAHA

Y/N: Okay bye now see you later...

{Call ended}

"Y/N open up we're now here in front of your condo unit!" Zujin shouted while Yana is calming her down. They were both in a hurry and I don't know why and what for.

"Okay wait a second, I'm coming." I then opened my door. They were in a hurry because they bought many stuffs. It's like their planning to have a sleepover because they both carried bags of food and snacks for us to share with.

"Both of you weren't the ones to take this kind of responsibility but why take it now?" I asked while smirking and raising my left brow. I then helped the both of them carry the bag to the kitchen and have arranged it properly.

Knock knock ~ I again went to the door to open. I've seen Mazi and Loonie carrying four back packs.

"Yah! You all planning to stay here for the rest of your lives?!" I asked them.

"No, we're not. It's just a sleepover." Zujin winked. Mazi entered my room to fix their things and now my tummy is like arranging a war against myself cuz I seriously haven't eaten yet.

"So the four of you planned a sleepover without my permission?" I altered while I was getting myself a cereal for me to eat.

"Yes, we didn't tell you about this because... you've been here and you have done this things to us so we're just returning things to its proper order." Zujin and Loonie laughed while Yana is peacefully sitting right next to them.

"Yah! Mazi you're not yet done?" I shouted all the way to my room.

"No, not yet. But since we've planned this with a dare I'm going to have my revenge later on." She smirked.

I sat right beside Mazi to help her finish whatever she's doing. "So what happened yesterday?" I was suprised when she asked me this kind of question.

"Yesterday is now history," I altered jokingly.

[A/N : Hi *waving* I sincerely apologize for the wrong grammars. I'm still learning how to write, lovelots.]

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