A Little Bit About Me

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As very few of you may know, online I go by Ari-gami/Author-chan and I've been writing Ereri and Riren works for little over a year now, my oldest work being I Don't Believe in Love Songs.

You may be wondering, why should I trust some nobody to properly prepare me for writing? If you're thinking this, I don't blame you. However, there's a lot more to me than the number of subscribers I have on Wattpad.

I have been writing since before I can remember, my first publishing site being none other than Quotev.com, which I still occasionally use to this day. Writing has always been apart of my life and since I'm always writing, I think that I may be able to offer assistance.

Now to get to what a portion of you may be wondering about: numbers. I have been studying the Ereri and Riren communities ever since I've been writing for them, gathering statistics that'll help whomever decides to publish. I am a math and English student, currently taking college courses. I sometimes tutor people in English and because of that, I think I can be of assistance.

Without further ado, I would like to welcome you to Sergeant Ari's boot camp.

Ereri/Riren Boot CampWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu