When I got to Grays Groceries, I greeted Chowder, the grey fat cat that would lay on her bed in front of the shop window, and watch the people come in and out.

"How ya doin' Charley?" Steve called from the register. Steve is one of the people who lived here his whole life, the store had been in his family since his Grandfather opened it. I never met him myself but the stories I've heard from the older community has convinced me he was the town mascot.

"Pretty good, just getting stuff to prepare for the storm. You hear 'bout it?" I asked, opening one of the cloth bags I brought, starting to walk through the isles. My boots leaving little puddles from the small layer of snow I previously stepped in.

"I did, I ain't surprised though, 'bout time we got something happening in this town. We got some bad juju built up after Diane died, I'm telling you she was messing with the spirits and didn't close the portal." I heard him chuckle to himself for a second, "Shall I put it on your tab?"

"My Mother's actually, thank you," I walked around grabbing food and more blankets. The street lights flickered on and that was my signal to leave. As Steve started to scan my items I put a bar to separate and grabbed a pack of gum. Steve smiled at me as I started to pack my bags, his wife had luckily avoided this whole storm. Chelsea left about a week ago for her job, She was probably in heaven though for she never liked the snow. I think she stayed because of Steve, she has been in love with him her whole life, as long as I've known her at least. Never once have I heard her say anything bad to him.

"What about the gum?" I asked when he didn't scan it and instead handed it to me.

"Free of charge, think of it as a gift for taking care of Chowder last month." I smiled and took the pack, taking two out and giving him one.

"Thank you!" I shouted as I left the store, "And you too Chowder." I gave her a soft pet on the head and stumbled to put my bags in the baskets on my bike. I plopped the stick of gum in my mouth, the fresh mint flavour exploding as I chewed. I only liked mint gum, the bubble was too sugary and pink, watermelon had a bad aftertaste, and mint did it's job. I struggled to get riding at first but quickly got on my way, the snow made the ground slick and slippery. Pedaling down the street trying to balance my bike I felt something weird. I looked behind me and saw a car with oddly tinted windows slowly following behind me. I stopped pedaling and cruised to a stop, they must need help or something. The car stopped next to me and rolled down their windows.

A young man was sitting in the front seat, He had stubble on his face, couldn't be more than 25. He had tan skin, and dark brown hair, I could see a tattoo on his forearm. "Hi, do you need some help?" I asked kicking the kickstand down and getting off my bike.

"Yeah, I'm trying to find.." He looks down then scoffs at himself. "I actually can't read this street name, do you mind?"

"Oh yeah of course!" I walked to his car and leaned in to read what he had on his phone. Old Ashton's streets were named in the 1900's it was common to be on a strange street, Grays Groceries was on Alzchihhred Road for example. "Oh, I don't recognize this street. Do you have the name of where your trying to go?" I asked him, taking the phone out of his car. He undid his seat belt and got out too.

"I'm not really sure what it's called, my friends just said to go to that address." I moved around to look at the surroundings on the map.

"I'm sorry but I don't recognize any o-"

Suddenly his hand was on my mouth and he tugged me toward the car. I screamed into the hand and stomped my heels onto his toes. I dropped his phone and heard it shatter on the ground, my hands smothered his as I tried to pry them off of me. His grip loosened enough for me to run to my bike and try to hop on. As soon as my fingertips grazed the handlebars his own hands grabbed my waist and pulled me down to the ground. My bike toppled over and the groceries spilled everywhere. My feet flew behind me from the frost and I smacked hard to the ground. "You little bitch," I heard him mumble under his breath as he dragged me to the car and threw me in the back. As soon as I landed I went to grab the other doors handle but the lock snapped down just as brushed it. I faced the front of the car and the man had started to speed away, his foot flooring the gas pedal.

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