Chapter Seven

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*a week later*
I'm sitting in class unfortunately Elena says I need to get back on my feet. It's been a week since Elijah told us the story that's supposed to be mine.

I personally call bullshit theres no way. This is just another way for the original family to cram their way into Mystic Falls. I haven't seen Klaus or anyone from their family in a while.

Some memories come to me in my dreams, others come unexpectedly. Damon's really been my only source of support along with Jermery and the occasional Matt speech. It's sad when your own sister refuses to help you.

The bell finally rings letting me get away from this hell. I walk out the school doors, but to my surprise Damon isn't here to pick me up. What a prick I swear. I huff and start walking when Rebekah jumps infront of me out of nowhere. "Skylar there you are! These bloody wankers were getting on my nerves" she says looking over towards the cheerleaders.

I laugh "you joined the cheerleading squad? Really?" She smiles "yes I did and so did you!" She says clapping. She throws a uniform at me before I have time to process what's happening I'm in the school bathroom "quickly change practice is in 5 minutes" she says before walking out.

There is no way in hell I'm putting this bullshit on. I hold up the short skirt and crop top with the dreaded school colors. I'm not about to join this cult called a cheerleading squad. I sigh knowing Rebekah probably didn't get a normal highschool experience.

Sometimes I'm too nice and sometimes I'm not nice enough, but I feel bad. I put the stupid outfit on and go to my locker shoving my cloths in. I than walk out to the field where Becca makes fun of my ponytail and re does it.

We practice for a little over an hour with these overly preppy bitches than finally the torture is over. Soon enough I'm back at the Salvatore house and in my bedroom. Yes, I do live at the Salvatore house because Damon wanted me to be closer Incase I needed help.

Damon barges in my room without knocking. "Damon it's called knocking you cow" I shout throwing a pillow at him. He bursts out laughing "I heard you joined the cheerleading squad and I just had to see" he falls to the floor rolling around and pointing at me like a child.

After a while he gets up "oh and we are having Dinner with Klaus, and Elijah tonight and you have to come dress nice ok?" He says i roll my eyes. "Old people I swear. Why dress nice to eat food? Literally that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard" I complain.

Damon glares "I'm offended" he states I just shrug "you should be old man" I say laughing. He playfully rolls his eyes "just don't be an ass at dinner ok?" He asks "fine"

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