Chapter Four

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*a few years ago*
Damon had just came into town a few weeks ago and we weren't exactly getting along. He said I had too much attitude for a little girl. I think he is just an egotistical asshole. An ugly one too.

Fine he isn't that ugly. I was walking home from my friend Ella's house after I got done studying for the night. I heard my sisters voice screaming so I followed the sound.

I crept around the corner and saw Damon holding Stefan against the wall with a stake to his heart. He laughed "let's make this interesting shall we?" He asked "Stefan here can say goodbye to life or hmm how about your little sister?"

I prepared myself to use my magic and save Stefan, but than the most hurtful things came out of her mouth. The five most painful words of my life "Skylar just don't hurt Stefan" she said. How could she? We are family.

My eyes burned with tear and I sunk back in and alley and curled up. It felt like I couldn't breathe, like all the air was slipping through my with my love for Elena.

It must have been an hour or so later Damon entered the alley. My head shot up and before I could even think about what I was doing I threw him up against the wall yelling "get away from me!"

Damon's hard stare went soft "you heard huh?" He asked his voice so quiet I could barley here. I wiped my tears nodding "just get on with it make it quick" I said softly looking down.

He sat beside me "I didn't know you were a witch" he said trying to switch the conversation. I gave a small smile "well no one did. And can we keep it that way?" I asked. He nodded "our little secret" he said holding up his pinky.

I attached mine "our little secret" I repeated. He gave me a smile "families can be tough, kid" he told me. I smiled "you have a nickname for me what should I call you?" I asked.

He gave me the biggest smirk "I prefer Daddy Damon" he said cockily. I playfully rolled my eyes "we all know Stefan is the real daddy" I stated. He held his hand to his chest "how could you?! And I thought I was special" he said dropping fully to the ground and putting on a little drama show.

We spent the rest of the night getting to know one another and having fun. That is how I met my best friend, basically my brother. Damon Salvatore.

Hope you guys liked it! That was just a little back story for you guys to see how Skylar and Damon's relationship came to be. If you did like it please vote and comment what you thought! :D

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