Ch. II: Piper

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Piper was pleasantly surprised to see Leo at lunch today. He hadn't shown up in three days. She was starting to get worried. They made eye contact and he half-heartedly smiled and waved. Piper waved back, then averted her attention to some of his siblings. Nyssa, who was sitting beside Leo, had told Piper once that "people needed to treat him as if he was a bunny in the woods and you wanted to pet it." At first, Piper didn't understand. She thought the girl was crazy. After days of watching Leo's siblings treat him, Piper finally understood. They would be friendly, but keep her distance. One time, Piper had forgotten and approached him with lots of questions about how he was doing. Leo had mumbled something about "work to do" and ran off. She had to let him come to her.

After the meal, all the cabins had free time until Capture the Flag that evening. Leo, surprisingly, walked up to Piper.

        "Hey, Beauty Queen," he muttered.

        "Hey," Piper greeted. "how are you?"

        He shrugged. "Better, I guess. What's the date?"

        "October third."

        "Yeah, so it's been eight weeks, four days."

Oh great, Piper thought, he's counting the days. Not good.

        "Leo, I'll find you a girl. She'll be sweet, funny, pretty, perfect for you." Piper assured him.

That made him smile. "Thanks, Piper."

He looked as if he was about to dart off into the woods, but was stopped by Jason clamping one hand on his shoulder. Percy and Annabeth were close behind.

        "Hey, buddy," Jason said.

        "Hey," Leo muttered.

There was a long, awkward pause amongst the five. It was interrupted by a satyr and a new camper running up the hill. The camper had long, black-brown hair and beautiful sea green eyes. She wore a red shirt under a pair of overall shorts. A backpack was slung over her back. As they got closer, Piper could tell that this girl was pretty short. Despite her height, she looked much older than thirteen-the oldest age a demigod could reach before their godly parent claimed them.

        "Grover!" Percy yelled.

The satyr ran towards them, the demigod close behind.

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