Ch XII Piper

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Piper found Penny in the Strawberry fields. Piper liked to hang out there when she was upset or just needed to think. Today, she was searching for a good place to sit and cry. She looked up and down the rows, and stopped when she noticed Penny sitting with her legs crossed, a book open in her lap. A camp halfblood tshirt was visible under her overall shorts, and her was in a messy bun. When she looked up and smiled, I noticed she didn't wear any makeup, and had dirt on her nose, but she didn't seem to care. She patted a spot next to her, signaling Piper to sit.

"What's up, Piper?" She asked.
"Boys," Piper grumbled.

She closed her book.
"Who do I need to punch?"
Piper laughed. "No one. It's just, my boyfriend Jason and I had a fight."
She hugged Piper. "I'm sorry. What happened?"
"We argued about our relationship. He travels often, building statues and other things to honor the gods. I barely see him anymore. I don't know, maybe I was wrong..."
"Well, why don't we go talk to him about it?" She asked, offering her hand.
"You heard me."

They walked back to camp, searching for Jason. He had three days off, so she knew he'd be around. They were so intent on their mission, that Piper jumped a little when Leo snuck up behind them.
"Hola chicas," he said, putting one arm around Penny's arm, one around Piper's. Piper looked over her shoulder and noticed that ?Penny was only a few inches shorter than Leo, while she was an inch or two taller than he.

"Hey, Leo," they both said.
"Oh great," Leo commented, "Nell's teaching Beauty Queen the creepy twin thing."
"Am not!" Penny protested. "You're mean, Curls!"
"Aww, those are cute nicknames," said Piper.
"What about, Beauty Queen?" Leo replied.
"Shut up, Repair Boy."
"So what are you gals up to?"
"We're going to see Jason. Why, what were you doing?"

Piper noticed his face get red. "I wanted to talk to Penny."
"Okay," Penny said. "I'm here."
"Possibly alone?"
"You kids go ahead," Piper said. "I see Jason over by Nico's cabin."

Jason met Piper. They saw eachother, and he was in front of her in a flash. He pulled a rose from behind his back and handed it to her.
"I'm sorry, Pipes," said Jason. "I should be a more romantic boyfriend. I'll try harder. I'll do more. I'll-"
"Jace," Piper interrupted, "stop. I should be apologizing, too. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess my Aphrodite was showing."
"You've never called me Jace before. I like it, I mean, not as much as Sparky-"
"Obviously," Piper laughed.
He took her hand.
"I love you Pipes. Never let me forget that. When I get out of line, straighten me up. I'm pretty dense, if you haven't figured that out yet."
Piper smiled. "Will do, Mr. Grace."
She saw Penny out of the corner of her eye, standing a distance away, obviously waiting for Piper to get done talking with Jason. She turned her head, and saw Penny smiling like crazy, eager to tell her something.
"I gotta go, Blondie," she told Jason. "I'll catch up with you later."
"She began to turn, when he caught her arm. "What about Friday? We can go on a long-overdue date."
"Can't wait."

"Jason's taking me on a date Friday," I announced, approaching my friend. Her face was red, and her smile was huge.
"That's so great, Piper!" She replied.
"So, what did Leo have to say?"
"He may or may not have asked me on a date Friday night."

My grin matched her's.
"Oh my goodness! You and Leo!"
"Yeah, I know!" She exclaimed, grabbing my arms. She turned serious. "But don't say anything. Not yet. We're seeing how this is going to play out."
"I'm so excited for you!"
"Me too!" She paused. "I don't have anything to wear. Dang it, what am I going to do, Piper?"
"I have clothes," I assured her. "Aphrodite's kid, remember?"
"Yeah, okay. Can we go see what I can borrow?"

😎A/N: So sorry I haven't updated in a while. Hopefully these next few days will allow me time to post a bit more. Thanks for following, voting, commenting my stories! ILYSM!😎

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