2. Milena's Insight

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*Milena's POV*

As you all may know, my name is Milena. Milena Santos. My smile may be beautiful, but it covers a lot of dark shit. My past isn't so pretty.

At the age of 14, I came home to my mother, laying breathlessly on the floor. She was dead. I couldn't grasp at the moment what had happened, or why it did, but I knew I had to run. I used up what little money I had saved and got on a plane to Paris, where my father, who I had only seen a few times before, lived.

When I knocked on his door, he opened it, with a surprised look on his face. Not the good kind of surprise, either. It looked as if he was disgusted to see me. But since I was his daughter, he had to take me in. My father was a white man of high status, but I was a poor little black girl, and his wife wanted nothing to do with me because of it. My brown skin and deeply spiraled hair made me stand out against the salty ocean of people ahead. I'd never been discriminated against before, but kids can be mean.

After a few fights, people began to realize that I was not a force to be reckoned with. I may be small, but one thing I can do is fend for myself. Not to be funny, but I really lived the "All my life I had to fight" narrative.

My father didn't know what to do with me. I was a wild child. We would argue a lot, and his stupid wife wouldn't make the situation any better. It was her idea to kick me out, and of course my sell-out of a dad went along with it.

Where else was I to go?

I did what I had to do to survive. Many things I am not proud of. The only thing that kept me sane through everything though, was dancing. I took the old, beat-up shoes my mother had bought me for my birthday a few years ago, and I squeezed my feet inside.

I met my best friend Mariana at a dance class (that I snuck into) one night. She was a great dancer and she had a great heart as well. One day after class, she wanted to go to my house to go over a routine, but I ditched her at school. I avoided her for weeks and even stopped going to class. I was embarrassed. But she was consistent and sought after me. She found me sleeping in an abandoned coach bus one night under the Eiffel Tower.

I was reluctant to tell her about my past, but she accepted me and my baggage.

Her family was from a mixed background, so I was welcomed in with no problems. She became my sister and nothing less. She was the only person I trusted with my life. Without her, I don't know what I would be today.

At the age of 17, I was signed to a dance company called La vie de la danse (The life of dance). I danced in shows all over Europe and my life felt like it was finally starting to turn for the better. While I was on tour with the company in England, I met the love of my life. And guess who it was. Cristiano Ronaldo.

I was in love with him from the moment I first saw him. I had never seen a man so beautiful in my life. I was young, but I knew what I wanted, and he was it.

Even though he intrigued me, I didn't give in instantly when he tried to pursue me. I disappeared for a while, but I would occasionally pop up in town for a show every so often. And he would always try to start a convo with me. I liked the consistency, so I gave in and finally gave him my number.

Over the years, our relationship grew more serious. The next thing I knew, I was pregnant with his child.  Now I have a son. Cristiano and I didn't work out, but I don't regret anything. I just wish things between us could've been different. It hurts that I had to lose one of my best friends and a person that I thought would love me forever.

The Half of Me: A Cristiano Ronaldo Love Story BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now