4. Pizzacake

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After leaving the beach, Cris, Junior and I went to get ice cream. Cristiano dropped us off at home.

"Are you sure I don't need to come up and put him to bed?" Cristiano asked as Junior and I got out of the car.

"No thanks, but mommy's got it." I smiled and looked down at Junior. "Isn't that right baby?"

Junior smiled, "Yes, mommy's got it." 

Cristiano smiled and held his hand out of the window. Junior grabbed it. 

"Daddy loves you, my son." Cristiano smiled and kissed Junior's hand.

"I love you too!" Junior smiled and kissed his dad's hand in return.

"Thanks for the ice cream." I smiled at Cristiano.

He nodded, let go of Junior's hand, and waited until we got inside before driving off.

After we got inside the house, I ran Junior a bath and as he was bathing, I took some time to unpack his things and organize his room. It felt nice to be with my son again, but me being away distracted me from what I ran away from.

There was a feeling of disconnect I got from being back in Madrid. The last time I was here, I had told Cristiano I was leaving and dropped Junior off at his home. This was a few months after we has broken up, and I had got offered a huge opportunity. I know his family probably bad mouthed me all those years I was away. God only knows what my baby's heard and seen since I was gone. All of the bit-

I snapped out of my thoughts to Junior calling out "Mom, I'm done!" and went to the bathroom to help him out of the tub.  

"You're all done buddy?" I smiled as I kissed his forehead and wrapped him up in the towel.

He snuggled up against me as I carried him to his room and dressed him in his pajamas.

"How do you like your room at mommies house?" I asked him, a little nervous.

"I love it!" Junior cheered.

I smiled and giggled. "And what do you like about it?" I asked as he jumped on the bed.

"I like the bed, and the toys, and the goal, and the posters, and the toys..." he rambled on excitedly.

"I'm glad I was able to make you happy, baby." I grinned. "Now do you want to help mommy make dinner?" I asked as I stood up from the bed and held my hand out for him.

"Yesssss!" Junior yelled as he grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs to the kitchen.

I opened the cabinets and scanned what ingredients we may have had in the cupboard. "How do you like breakfast for dinner?" I asked Junior, feeling guilty because I had forgotten to go grocery shopping before he arrived and only had pancake mix left in the cabinet.

"That's my favorite!" Junior smiled.

"Today must be my lucky day", I thought to myself.

I kissed Junior on the cheek and we proceeded to make dinner.

After dinner, which consisted of pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, and apple slices, I took Junior to his room to watch tv before bed.

"Mommy's gonna be in her room, but if you need anything just call me ." I pointed across the hall at my bedroom door.

Junior giggled and tucked his head under the covers.

After an hour of looking through my class roster, I decided to go check on Junior, since he hadn't called me. I walked to his room and found him sound asleep in his bed. I kissed him goodnight and turned off the tv as I walked back across the hall to my room and looked in the mirror.

The Half of Me: A Cristiano Ronaldo Love Story BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now