Chapter 7

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I whirl around and see Taehyung looking at my family photo.

He looks hella good.

"Oh, yeah. That's my dad."

He walks closer and touches the picture.

"I'm sorry." He says.

Wait, is he APOLOGISING?

"What for?" I question. He looks at me again.

"Your dad. He passed away. I know because Jin told me. Don't worry. He keeps secrets. But he also added in that we're a lot similar than we seem."

I look at him, confused. "Similar? How?"

He sighs. "Let's go for a walk. I'll explain."

I peek over my locker door and see Jeongguk and Jimin smiling at me devilishly. They urge me to go on with him.

I close my locker's door and give Taehyung a firm nod.

He smiles and we walk together down the halls.

For once, I knew what it was like to be popular. People squealing, autographs, phone numbers and all that added drama. But what I didn't know was what it was like to be a princess. Or in this case, prince.

Walking alongside a prince made me feel like one.

"So as I was saying," Taehyung began. "I know what it's like to not have a father. Even if I do have one, it's like he isn't there. Hr never have conversations with me. It's always, 'Taehyung, I bought you this' and 'Taehyung do this' and 'Taehyung do that'."

He lifts his hand and touches his forehead. "I get depressed sometimes. So I feel you. I usually adore Seokjin more. But sometimes, I take my anger out on him."

He sighs as he signs another autograph.

"He asked me to talk with you often..."
He stops walking. I stop along with him.

"But sadly I have no interest in talking to stupid people like you."

I glare at him. "Why are you talking to me then?"

He shrugs. "Because I wanted to look good. You know what they say, 'If you want to look good, hang out with someone who's not as good as you'."

He spins on his heel and turns around to walk away, but my words prevent him from moving any further.

"You're a loser, Taehyung."

He stops and looks back at me. The prince smirks.

"It's not playing the game. It's the winning that matters. Unfortunately, you don't know that."

Someone taps him on his shoulder and he looks back again. I take a few steps to see who it is.

Kim Eunha.


What is she up to now?

"Taehyung! My lovely boyfriend!" She squeals and gives him a hug.

He immediately pushes her away.

"I'm not your boyfriend. In fact, I'd feel sad for the guy who dates you."

She puts her hands on her hips and stretches an arm out to him with her palm faced down.

A few seconds pass.


"Move, imbecile." Taehyung orders.

But she refuses.

"Not until you kiss my hand first."

Oh, Lord have mercy.

I see Jin in the distance, looking at the scene. We make eye contact and I walk over to him.

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