Chapter 4

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I look at the teacher, stunned with my mouth hanging wide open.

"Ma'am, I'll improve." Taehyung pleads. "Please, I don't want to take tutoring."

"Especially from this imbecile." He sneers quietly.

"Uh... I don't want to tutor him either. I have plans. Maybe someone else!" I tell her.

Mrs. Kai simply shakes her head.

"Taehyung is a new child. This would be a good opportunity for him to mingle with the other kids. And, all the other students are helping each other, and you, Y/N, aren't helping anyone at the moment. You need to be more helpful."

"Y/N, you're the nicest and smartest here. Don't you think it would be great to tutor him?"

No, it would NOT.

But still, I say, "I guess." even after being against the idea.

"Good girl." She smiles. "Please do give him homework and visit him a few times a week. I'll check with both of your parents if that's okay and also to make sure Taehyung actually learns. You may return to your seats now."

Taehyung is frozen in horror. Both of us slowly walk back to our places.

"Ooh, do you have to go to his house now?" Jeongguk asks, pretty excited. "So you can see a palace in real life!"

I groan as I sit. "Well, you got a 10. Who's with you?"

Jeongguk shrugs. "Hoseok. He's going to come over for three days every week. You have to do the same for Taehyung, I guess?"

I nod as I take my books, getting ready to leave school.

Time skip. You reach home.

I park my cycle and open the door for Jeongguk and Jimin. We toss our bags as we slump into the couch after a tiring day.

"How was school?" Mom asks as she gives us each a glass of juice.

"Nothing special. Jeongguk got a 10 on our math test." I glance at Jeongguk with a nasty smile.

"WHAT? Jeongguk, haven't you studied?" Mom freaks out as she sits down on the other couch.

"It was nothing. Plus, Kim Taehyung is in our class."

Mom's face lights up and her eyes widen.

"Kim Teahyung? The Prince? No way! Tell me EVERYTHING!"

Looks like Jeongguk saved himself. By changing the topic.


I take a sip of my orange juice. "Well, I have to tutor him in a week. Plus, Hobi is coming to tutor Jeongguk."

Mom is literally sitting on the edge of her seat.

"Wow! I'm so happy for you!"

We finish doing our homework (Mom's excitement sort of wore off) and I go to Yoongi's.

"Evening, Mrs. Min!" 

She opens the door for me and we greet each other as I run upstairs to Yoongi's room.

"Y/N! Just in time. I made a new beat. Wanna hear it?"

I nod and put on his headphones, but there isn't any music playing.

"Well, won't you play it?"

He sighs and looks at me.

"Problems with Taehyung?" 

He knows me way too well. I always come running to him when I'm in trouble. He does the same, too.

"Yeah," I mumble as I take off the headphones and flop onto his bed.

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