A plan

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Brandon's POV

I'm outside Millicent's house with flowers.

I've been Millicent's neighbour ever since she moved here. I notice her all the time, but I feel like she doesn't notice me at all. Even the slightest action like a wave or a "hi!" makes me warm inside. Oh boy she is pretty. Luscious black hair, green eyes, cute freckles, and many more features that stand out to me. She makes me so happy. We're both in 10th grade, and in the same classes, so I don't know why I haven't made a move yet.

This morning I saw Millicent getting bullied by Gina Maywethaer. That bitch. She purposefully spilt a hot chai latte on Millicent's t-shirt. That t-shirt looked great on her, it really brought out her green eyes; it was a shame to see it with a huge stain smack bam in the middle. The best part of today was when she sat next to me in English class, it gave me an opportunity to make my move. We talked for about five minutes about our experiences with Gina. She was so open to me, like she had knew me forever. I was constantly being bullied by Gina. She called me things like "loser", or "big head with no brain", and many other hurtful things that made me question my existence.

Until one day I decided to stand up for myself. It went a little something like this.

"Hey there loser"

Kids laughed and pointed at me. I felt so enclosed.

"No. Gina, I cannot tolerate you anymore. I am NOT a loser, I do NOT have a big head and no brain. Stay away from me Gina Maywethaer."

It was all silent. Kids were exchanging surprised looks to each other.  A quiet clapping started, that extended to a huge cheer. She never called me those things ever again.


I told Millicent that she should not care about anything Gina says or does. I told her to stand up to myself, and looked straight in her eyes for a split second. Those green eyes stared straight into mine but we both looked back almost instantly. That slightest connection made me love Millicent Walker even more, to the universe and back. I wanted her to be my girlfriend so bad, but how could I ask her?

I sat thinking for 45 minutes straight. Until I got an idea. The flowers were only part one.

Hii! My names Khin, and I'm the author of "-Love from Millicent". I hope you all enjoyed the second chapter! I am so so sorry for the short chapter, but I promise the next few chapters are going to be longer! I will try posting a new part every day, but of course, it depends on how long or short the part is. I will keep you guys updated on any changes! Please do not copy. Plagiarizing is illegal.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via Instagram (khinhtet_).


Remember to keep smiling, and to always spread positivity no matter what!

Lots of love,


- Love from Millicent [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now