1. Unrequeited Love

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Milena Santos was one of the most renowned dancers and choreographers in the world. She was finishing up her tour and was now back in Madrid. She didn't know how long she would be staying. Madrid was bittersweet for her and brought back feelings of bliss and ptsd. She had so many good things here: family, friends, and a huge fan base that supported her before the fame. However, all good things comes with some bad, and her bad was Cristiano Ronaldo. The history those two had ran deeper than the glacier that sunk the "Titanic".

Everyday was a reminded of their past relationship. From the constant following of their daily lives in blogs to people from back home with nothing better to do with their lives than talk. They were a fan favorite, and many of Cristiano's fans favored her over his other lady friends. She was constantly reminded of this when she would be tagged regularly in Cristiano's Instagram pictures with comments like "Why'd you ever let @MilenaSantos go?"

Milena didn't let the comments get to her, and she would usually just ignore them. Although, she would occasionally look at Cristiano's photos. But that was mainly to see how their son, Junior, was doing. It was too painful for her to be around Cristiano and raise Junior with him if they weren't going to be in a relationship anymore. Milena was carrying too much hurt and Junior was the spitting image of his father. After two years of dating on and off and co-parenting, Milena decided that she'd had enough with Cristiano's games and chose to do what she wanted to do. So, she gave Cristiano full custody and moved across the world to continue her dance career.

Now, five years later, Milena was clearing her thoughts and was preparing to perform and host the Dancers Unite event. It was an annual event in Madrid, where millions of dancers from the country came together to show off their skills. It attracted a lot of attention worldwide, and many sponsors had organized multiple scholarships and grants to be awarded for training and classes. The ultimate prize was a potential contract offered with a dance company.

Now that Milena was successful in her career, she wanted to help out aspiring dancers that came from the bottom like she did.


As the competition began, many of the dancers were eliminated and some gave up. As it got down to the finalists, tension began to rise amongst the group. Milena and the other judges and professionals gave the contestants pointers and advice on how to impress the heads of the dance companies and keep calm at the same time. As the last round was about to begin, Milena gave a small encouraging speech.

"I just want you all to know that you did great tonight. I believe each of you has what it takes to be signed by a dance company, but there can only be one winner. No matter what the outcome, don't give up on your dreams. You owe it to yourselves. I'm proud of you for continuing this far."

The crowd cheered as Milena rejoined the audience.

The contestants prepared for the last round of the competition, and the audience watched anxiously. Thousands had gathered in the stadium. Some were cheering loudly as the dancers battled it out, while others were recording the action.

As the number came to an end, the crowd gave a standing ovation and grew silent as Milena returned to the stage to join the finalists. After the judges agreed on their decision and a winner was chosen, the finalists  were also given rewarded with scholarships and grants from sponsors, and all participants left with information on joining Milena's school of dance.

The event was over, and after signing hundreds of autographs and taking ton's of photos, Milena was beat. Not only did she perform several times throughout the show, but she also talked for hours. 

As Milena was leaving the stadium, she  surprised to see that a crowd had emerged and was headed in her direction. The cluster of screaming fans along with the clicks and shutters of the cameras toted by the paparazzi put Milena into fight of flight mode. As she scrambled to make it to the garage where her car was parked, she turned around as she heard the cries close in.

The Half of Me: A Cristiano Ronaldo Love Story BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now