:Omoriboy: Stressed

Start from the beginning

"Mmm whatcha saaaay-"

(Y/) suddenly started laughing, which made Omori stop from moving the slider on the video. They were remembering the jokes that were made from the song, face palming while chuckling. Omori looked at them, a bit startled yet mainly confused.

"does... does it sound funny?"

"M-Maybe! It's because- wait- can I show you something?"

He nodded, watching as they leaned over to type on the computer. Omori couldn't help but stare at their face, smiling softly. He thought it would be hard to cheer them up, but it seemed to have happened unintentionally. (Y/n) let out a giggle before turning the laptop for Omori to see. The video showed three people, two men fighting.

A woman picked up the gun, instantly shooting at the man that was about to strike the other. The song was immediately playing as soon as he got shot. It was quite a strange yet very funny way of having a dramatic moment. Omori let out a small laugh, hold a hand against one side of his face.

"Honestly it's still hard to believe this aired on television."

(Y/n) said, quickly typing to show him another video, where they were doing a parody of the scene, but with their own spin on it. Omori and (Y/n) laughed loudly at the repeating gun sound, as well as the song repeating from each gunshot. Oh! And don't forget how suddenly almost everyone has a gun and making faces. As the video ended, the two of them laid on the floor on their backs, calming down their laughter.

"wow. I never knew there was a meme about it."

Omori said a loud, eyes staring up at the blank ceiling.

"It's pretty old. I almost forgot about it actually."

(Y/n) replied, stretching their arms and legs. They laid in silence, staring up, not moving. Omori looked over, worried that they would become sad again. He pulled his laptop close, backing out a few of the websites before stopping at the first video he played. Moving the slider, his heart pounded heavily, nervous. But he forced himself, to try and make sure (Y/n) wouldn't be sad anymore.


Omori sang loudly in a cracking voice, unsure if it was intentional or unintentional.


(Y/n) bursted out in laughter, trying to cover their own mouth to hear Omori singing.


Omori choked violently from his screaming, clearing his throat, staying silent for a moment as the woman in the video kept singing. He looked over to see (Y/n) dying in laughter, blushing a deep red at how hard they laughed. Omori grinned widely at their reaction, turning the volume up a bit.

"You-you should play Barbie Girl!"

Omori quickly typed it in, clicking on the first video shown. (Y/n) immediately started speaking softly once the video started.

"Hiya, Barbie. Hi, Ken!"

(Y/n) spoke to themselves as Omori was caught off guard watching them, as they made a deep voice for Ken while a high pitch for Barbie.

"You wanna go for a ride? Sure, Ken! VROOOOM-"

Omori snickered at their car sound effect, positioning the laptop between the two of them.


(Y/n) quickly moved to type on the laptop, pressing against Omori's arm. He blushed, quickly looking up, flustered.


The video started, showing a guy smiling with some other people by a sign that said 'end my life.' The instruments had an upbeat tone, something you would hear from an old tv sit-com. However, someone started singing.


Omori stared at the screen with wide eyes, where the screen was slowly but surely zooming into one man's face, who was smiling with his teeth shown, arms in the air as if cheering. The closer it got, the more pixelated and dead inside he looked. It was around a minute until it ended, (Y/n)'s giggling taking up the silence.

"I assume you've never seen anything like this before?"


(Y/n) pat Omori's back, grinning.

"Well now you have!"

Omori looked over and awkwardly patted (Y/n)'s back in response.

"You're so awkward..."

(Y/n) said, blushing lightly in awe as they ruffled Omori's hair. Omori smiled but turned his head away as his messy bangs fell in front of his eyes. (Y/n) went ahead and hugged them, as the blush on his face worsened.

"Thanks for helping me, Omori."

He looked over, a spark in his eyes as he nodded slowly.

"do you... wanna listen to some more songs?"

"Sure! Although, I probably won't be yelling the lyrics..."

"do you want me to?"

"Oh, no, that's alright. We can just chill... on the floor... together..."

Omori's face burned even more as he tried to think of a song to play, slowly typing. The music he had thought of began to play, as it was more soft but with a certain vibe, no words being used, which was strange since they thought Omori only liked listening to certain songs. For a better explanation, music to play when alone in a room or an abandoned place, the only light being neon lights that consisted of colours blue, pink, or red. All while you can hear the rain outside, as well as your own footsteps. Although it didn't give the full experience since the volume from the computer made it sound strange.

(Y/n) laid down, close by the computer. Omori picked up his headphones, untangling the cord around it before plugging it in.

"headphones have better experience."

He stated, gently putting the headphone on (Y/n)'s ears before starting the song over. (Y/n) softly tugged at their arm to lay beside them, moving the blanket a bit. His face once again heated up as he laid down close beside them, their body tense. He could hear the music mumbling through the headphones, it still sounded nice. (Y/n) glanced over, watching as he let out a shaky breath before closing his eyes.

His hands laid flat on the floor under him, yet fingers lightly tapping. (Y/n) smiled to themselves, copying Omori's posture before closing their eyes as well. Although the way they laid down was a bit uncomfortable, they knew that as they fall asleep, they would be moving around. Both of them listened to the soft music, drifting off in their own minds. Laying close, faintly feeling the cat move over closer to them.

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