:Dream Kel: Activities

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"Phew. That sure was fun!"

Kel exclaimed, walking over to (Y/n), who was sitting by Mari and Basil.

"Had fun?"

Mari asked with a smile, reaching into the picnic basket to hand him orange juice.

"Yep! All that running around has got me sore though. Who knew a mixed game of hide-and-seek-tag would be intense."

He said, catching his breath a bit before sipping his orange juice.

"I got a took a photo..."

Basil said with a smile. Opening back his album, he flipped a few pages, turning the book over to show Kel. (Y/n) leaned over a bit to take a look. The photo was of Kel running with a grin on his face as he was being chased. It had a slight motion blur to it since he was running, but the photo still turned out nice.

(Y/n) stared at the photo, taking in some of the details in the picture. Mari noticed, letting out a small laugh to herself.

"Nice! I like it!"

Kel said, giving Basil a thumbs up

"Really captured the vibe that was going on. The blur is even a nice touch to show just how fast I am!"


Basil said before closing the album, happy about the approval Kel gave. (Y/n) watched as Kel laid down beside them, quickly looking at the other kids playing so that Kel wouldn't notice them staring. Omori was watching Hero and Aubrey exercising with Shawn and Ren, who were a bit further from the group around the corner. Suddenly, out of the corner of (Y/n)'s eye, they saw movement right beside them. Upon looking, it was Kel who was moving up a bit on the floor in order to gain their attention.

"How come you didn't join us?"

(Y/n) blinked, unsure of what to say. Mari once again noticed, speaking up for them.

"They just wanted to hang with me. They're too cool for you!"

She joked with a grin, leaning over to wrap an arm around their shoulder.

"Is that so?"

Kel asked, sitting back up with a suspicious look. He then looked over at (Y/n), wanting to hear from them.


(Y/n) awkwardly looked over at Kel, the playground, then at their own lap.

"Did you want to join?"

Kel asked with curiosity, scooting closer to (Y/n). They only blanked out, unsure as to what to tell him.

"Something tells me you wanted to."

Kel added, reaching his arm out to pat (Y/n)'s head.

"If you don't mind... do you want to play tetherball with me? Berly and Van aren't using it right now."

Kel asked with a smile, hoping to get an approval. (Y/n) stood up, looking down at him. That was all he needed, boosting with energy as he ran towards the tetherball with (Y/n) quietly following behind.

"Have you played before?"

(Y/n) thought for a moment, shrugging a bit.

"Aw, that's alright! It's a bit of a simple game. All you have to do is hit it. It will go around towards me, then I'll hit it! If it wraps all the way around the pole, the person who didn't hit last has to serve next!"

Kel grabbed the ball, moving back a bit.

"...at least I think that's how it goes."

He said with an unsure smile, frowning a but in the process.

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