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After working out for a bit, Felix decided to have a nice relaxing bath to soothe his aching muscles whilst Chan spotted for Hoseok, watching the older male lift the weights with only a small amount of struggling.

"Chan! CHAN!" The worried voice of Wonho echoed throughout the warehouse.

Chan frowned, not liking the tone of Wonho's voice. Hoseok put the weights down, standing up with a worried frown that matched Chan's frown. The two shared a look before they walked out of the exercise room to see what was wrong.

"What is it?" Chan asked.

"Seokjin's here" Wonho looked kind of fearful.

Chan grew incredibly angry at the mention of Seokjin's name.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Chan growled out as he stormed out of the warehouse.

"I wish I was" Wonho muttered as Chan stormed past him.

Wonho and Hoseok followed closely behind, hoping that nothing bad was going to happen. However, knowing their luck, someone could probably die today.

That someone most likely being Seokjin.

"Let him go! You've done enough!" Chan heard Changbin yell, struggling to get out of Jisung's grip.

Chan then saw why Changbin was making such a fuss. Lisa and BamBam were holding a still very weak and sickly looking Hyunjin and a smirking Seokjin stood not too far away.

"Well, I didn't you'd show up Chan" Seokjin chuckled, "I was hoping to see Felix, but oh well" Seokjin shrugged.

"My Mate may be nearing three months pregnant, but he'd still be able to kick your ass from here to hell Kim Seokjin" Chan growled.

"Why do you think I brought Lisa and your old friend Bammie along?" Seokjin snickered.

Chan growled, his opened palms turning into fists.

"You fucking prick. Haven't you done enough to us? When will you learn to stop huh? When will you grow up and stop playing these stupid games?" Chan huffed, crossing his arms.

"You think this is a game huh?" Seokjin clicked his tongue, his eyes darkening, "you know what I want to do, and you know what I need to do to get there"

"You're an idiot if you think you can go through with that without everyone finding out somehow" Chan smirked.

"Alright, here's what I'll do; if you hand over this District to me, I'll still let you guys live here peacefully. If you don't...well..." Seokjin chuckled darkly, "I'll force you to watch as I kill your family"

Chan knew exactly what Seokjin meant by that.

"As if I'd let you touch my Mate and my unborn children" Chan snapped, "and I'm no longer the leader of this District"

"For now, I am" Wonho spoke up, his expression set in a fierce glare as he stared Seokjin down, "and like hell I'm letting you take over this District"

"Fine then, have it your way" Seokjin shrugged, "but you had better be prepared for a bloodbath. I will gain control of all the Districts, and you won't even be around to see it" Seokjin cackled as he walked away.

BamBam and Lisa dragged Hyunjin away, following closely behind Seokjin.

"No! Bring him back!" Changbin cried out.

"Fuck" Chan cursed.

"What do we do now?" Hyungwon asks from beside Wonho, frowning.

Chan huffs, frowning thoughtfully. All of a sudden, he gets an idea.

"Another thing; what sis he mean by what he wanted to do? What does he want to do?" Jisung asked.

"He wants to kill off the hybrids, because they're dangerous" Minho frowned.

"That's not all" Chan sighed, glancing over at Minho, "he wants to end the entirety of the creature race, because they're the reason his grandparents are dead. His grandparents created them, his parents want to end the hybrids because they weren't pure, but Seokjin being thw twisted fucker he is wants to end the entire creature race. He wants to 'cleanse our world' or some shit" Chan explained.

"I-is he going to kill Hyunjinnie?" Jeongin whimpered, clinging onto Seungmin.

"No Innie, Hyunjin isn't going to die...because I have an idea" Chan smirked as he turned to Wonho.

"What are you planning?" Wonho raised an eyebrow.

"You and Minhyuk are gonna cause a riot" Chan chuckled.

Wonho smirked, laughing softly.

"Sounds fun" Wonho turned to look at Minhyuk.

"Just like old times eh?" Minhyuk grinned.

"Yeah Minhyukkie, just like old times"

Y'all have no idea how excited I am rn. Oh, also, I did another edit inspired by this fanfic

Let's just say...District 8 is gonna go up in flames...literally

District 9 (ChanLix)||Book 2 {✔}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora