You're Not Alone

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Felix stood there a few moments longer, breathing slowly until someone tapped his shoulder from behind. Felix nearly jumped a mile, holding a hand to his heart and breathing heavily.

"Fucking hell Jooheon, don't scare me like that!" Felix huffed.

"Sorry" Jooheon rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, before his serious expression returned, "you that Chan is gone...we need a new leader" Jooheon said, looking pointedly at Felix.

It took a few seconds for Felix to realize what Jooheon was referring to, and when he did he furiously shook his head.

"No, no way in hell, nope, not happening" Felix scoffed.

"Felix, you don't have a choice" Jooheon growled.

"Right sure, who are you? My fucking mother?" Felix spat.

"Felix, it's what Chan would've wanted" Jooheon sighed.

"And how would you know that exactly?" Felix's eye twitched in anger.

"I've known Chan for years, I know how he is" Jooheon shot back, "or maybe you're just scared huh?"

"Of course I'm fucking scared!" Felix yelled, his breathing laboured as tears formed in his eyes, "I-I don't think I can do this, not now" Felix whimpered, "I need time to sort shit out..."

Jooheon sighed, but nodded in understanding. They all needed time to sort out the mess that was currently District 9, to rebuild what Chan worked so hard to protect from outsiders.

Felix sighed, wandering around and picked up various debris, throwing it on the nearby pile. He started picking up bodies of dead creatures, throwing them into a pile, and he was doing this all on his own.

He had never felt more alone than he did in that moment, and silent tears started to run down his cheeks. His heart was heavy, and his head hurt. He couldn't do this, not without Chan. He had started to depend on the older, and now that he was gone he had no one to depend on but himself. It sucked, but he had to do it in the past. He had to be strong for himself and Minho at one point.

So why couldn't he do it now? Why did he feel so weak and useless?

From a little ways away, Minho, Jisung, Hyunjin and Changbin could see Felix trying to hold himself together as he picked various things up and threw them onto their respective piles without help.

Jisung was the first to stop what he was doing to go over and help Felix. The hybrid was a little surprised, but smiled gratefully.

"Thanks" Felix wiped his eyes, trying to hide the fact he was crying.

Jisung just nodded, silently helping Felix. Hyunjin, from wherever was, glanced at Jisung and Felix before going back to what he was doing which was trying to patch up the tents along with Minho, Changbin, Seungmin and Jeongin.

"You can go and help Hyunjinnie" Changbin spoke softly, smiling, "Felix looks like he could use it"

Hyunjin nods, smiling back at Changbin before going over to help Felix and Jisung. Felix was once again shocked, but didn't show it as he kept doing what he was doing. Once that area was relatively cleaned up, Felix dusted off his hands and smiled weakly.

"Thanks guys" Felix coughed, going to walk away but a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"You don't have to deal with this on your own, you know that right?" Jisung spoke.

Felix sighed, turning his head slightly.

"I don't want to dump all of this on you guys. We all need some time to sort this out, and it's better if I sort my own shit out by myself" Felix sighed.

"Felix, you're not alone though" Hyunjin spoke up, and Felix had turned his body fully around so he was facing them, "you have us now. All of us" Hyunjin pointed to the entirety of District 9.

"Did you have to do the same when it was just you and Minho? Did you have to deal with it alone?" Jisung asked.

Felix nodded.

"Yeah, I did. I had to be the strong one, I had to grow up a little too fast..." Felix frowned, "but I'm used to it, it's fine" Felix shrugged.

Jisung and Hyunjin glanced at each other before looking back to Felix.

"Felix...let us be the strong ones for you now, then" Hyunjin smiles.

"You can let it out, we won't judge you" Jisung spoke gently.

"Let what out?" Felix could feel himself tearing up again.

"Everything you're feeling, everything you have felt" Jisung said, wrapping his arms around Felix in a hug.

"We're here for you..." Hyunjin had wrapped his arms around boy Jisung and Felix in a hug.

Only then did Felix let out all the pain, the anger and the sadness he's felt over the past few years. He sobbed loudly, his whole body shaking as he did so. Hyunjin and Jisung just held onto him, letting the hybrid cry, even letting out a few tears themselves.

Felix truly wasn't alone, not anymore...

Wow, that was...something XD but here ya go, the first actual chapter of the sequel!

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