Crash and decay

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In a small county in New Mexico, U.S.A., it was a quiet night of the small county there is an elder man who is sitting in his car listening to the radio while drinking a can of deer as he look at the town lights when he looks at the sky he saw something falling from the earth atmosphere to the ground,the radio goes hazy and a loud crash at a distance, he turns his car on and drive where the crash been coming from
As he made it there and gotten out of his car he sees something that is glowing red, as he gotten closer and see that it's a meteorite, as time progress he has unleashed hell

That was three days ago, and in a location of a hospital where doctors and nurse works franticly to help of the on going numbers of patients that caught an unknown virus, looking grimm and sickly as the situation is not protesting for the better, as a figure walks in asking for help everything has change for the worse

A full week has passed and at a military camp ground, " The national guard is holding position till the army gets here " a female voice can be herd as she is contacting with someone at another line " no worse " she said as she looking at the destruction of the county that is burning in flames
" thought that doesn't come close Six, can't say if it's terrorism work or something else " she pase for a short moment " I've got no operational jurisdiction get them to let go a little we're no the enemy here, this isn't terrorism they still needs us " in a tone what can be describe as grief as she collects herself " send Thermite,Doc, and I need one of the Russian I'll explain later " she turns around away from the blazing county " and Six send them fast before all this burning down " as a worry look plaster on her face

As time passed at humanly possible the other operator gotten out of the military jeep, as one soldier comment the Russian of his weapon of choice, " Goddamn hoss, where did you pick up that relic? " as the Russian answer " Pick up from dead body, there looks surprise " as another operator chuckle " same joke every goddamn time " as he opens the current, the red-head looking at them as she returns to talking to the medic about the virus

" tell me if this thing is contained? " Thermite said as if he seen it before, as Ash types in " For now this thing is adapting fast as we can track, we upped the ordinance and came up with this thing "

As the screen show mutated monsters that has spikes and some sort of armor
" what happen if its gets loose? " Thermite asked, as Ash answer " Mexico is south from us " as she shows a map of the border " if it's brakes quarantine and crosses the border, the world would be in for one long bad night "

" what about nuking the town? " Thermite ask as the Russian laugh as he turns and face him " What? Not the first time we did it in New Mexico "

Tachanka looks up from his phone as he looks at the American before retiring to the screen, as Ash say " Its on the table but we're here to make sure that stays, the last resort operatives are already on the field " as she place the folders down

" are these our hot-zone operative? " Thermite ask, " Six has an eye for talent we need all the help we can get, this is where we turn the tide or drown " Ash reply to her long time friend as they start getting in to business

At another location an unidentified ship lands far enough that no one would notice, as a hiss sound as the ship opens and walks out is what it appears to be a female figure walking out with alien technology, as they took out an hand held holographic screen as it show an location of where the virus is coming from, as they turn it off and place it to a hidden pocket and ran in inhuman speed to that location.
As she got there, they saw is fire and the virus spreading at the distances and some sort of wall that is blocking off, as they zoomed in they saw un-infected to what assume are military personnel, so they turn on their invisibility-click as sneak passed them and once in they start searching to what they are looking for

As with the team, Ash, analyzing the data that is on the bord as she explain of the situation that is uphold at the moment, " the parasite is building a nursery it's a big one infection come fr-" then she been interrupted " Son of a bitch " as pain tone voice coming from one of the operator as she turn around and see that tall male expecting his equipment

" Jordan " Ash said in a annoying tone as Jordan looks at her, " we're good " Jordan ( or Thermite ) said as he side glance " Seriously? We're briefing in a minute and you're pulling apart the explosive- "

" Look Liza, I'm just making sure that they got it right " Thermite said as he preparing the explosive

As Ash mumbles of how the nursery can adapted at their containment issue and as she and Thermite talk about it and came to a agreement they start the mission as a springs hotel

As a team made up of Buck,Lion, Smoke, and Ash, as they've been drop off to the drop off as the mission in sight all the while they make their way thru the infected and destruction.
When they made it to the half-way point they gear up again

" Shit it like hell out there " Smoke said as he patch himself quickly and readjust his gas mask

" That because it is, what's ever that thing is at the nursery might have some sort of unknown virus, or something " Buck said, while re-amo his weapon

" So like an alien? "

" maybe " Ash said

Once they reset in their safe point they head out and continue on what they have started. As they made it they run up to some problems here and there, all the while they stay focused at the mission in hand

" Secure the perimeter, Jagër may be in here somewhere " Ash said, still alert for any infected that may sneak up on them

" Roger that " as the rest of the team went looking for the German man

" There a situation on our evac, they might take a while for them to pick us up!! " Lion yelled

" are you fucking kidding me?! " Smoke yelled back as he used C4 on the infected as explosion erupts

As they fighting off the hord of the infected as much as possible while evac on their way to pick them up at an open location to where the team are heading, as Ash made a signal telling the pilot to go as they take off back to camp, once landed the medical team hurry to take Jagër to isolation medical tent for precious and work to slow the spreading the best they can

" We need to find the cure and fast "

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2018 ⏰

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