You can't hide from death.

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I'm firing at the dissolving figures. One of my shots went right through one of there black capes! I stop and lower my gun. Then I realize there was crying coming from behind me! I turn around and see something I never could have dreamed. Sen on the ground... motionless and her sister over her......... There's a hole on Sens chest. The bullet hole.
More guns suddenly went of and me and a few others had to drag Kenny off of Sen! She was screaming and crying. Finally we pulled her away. Then she said something after she calmed down she spoke.
"You can't hide from death. No one can hide from death. But I won't try to hide. I will stand up and yell 'HEY, DEATH YOU WANT ME. COME FIGHT ME!" She yelled...... then someone injected her with sleep gas. "What does he mean she won't hide from death?" A girl with black hair and a Russian accent asked.
"She's just lost a sister, you don't make sense after something like this. "Oh and I'm Lola." Lola said, and turned to me.
I nod, and we all start to talk about just anything really. But the whole time I'm thinking of questions. How long can we go on? Who will lead us? How could we have saved Sen? Things no one can answer. I sigh, I just want to know. Just want to know........

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