The broken trust

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I hear footsteps outside. It's hard to breathe. I go down to the basement where Sen and Yanna are still practicing.
I look at Yanna. Her eyes are full of fear.
"It's here, isn't it?" She says. All I can do is nod.
"Well we better hope that are traps work right." Sen says. Her eyes are oddly unthreatening. She normally looks dead serious but now she seems almost kind. "What do we do now?" Sen asks. She seems.....bored! On tonight of all nights she's BORED! Then I realize that this night for her is the one night she can be herself. Do whatever she wants. No worries that the cops will get her.
"You can go." I say, "You deserve it." I say and smile
"Ok then. Thanks." She says and terns to go up the stairs.
"I'm going too!" Yanna blurts out. 
"No!" I yell. Not today. No she won't go. She can't go.
"Yes I am!" She yells back and runs after Sen!
"I forbid it." I say flatly.
"Like I care." She snapped
"What do you mean? 'Like i care'?" I walk up to her.
"I mean I'm going." She pulls out her gun "don't try me."
I'm speechless. After everything I've done. To keep her normal. I've failed.
"Ok kid. Let's go." Sen says without looking at us. Yanna walks up the stairs. Then Sen comes back! "You should never have trusted me. But you were so desperate to be like everyone else. Why? Because your stupid government! Lock everything and everyone out. If we can't control all the people we must kill all the people. We must do this. You can't do that' there all stupid control freaks with a thirst for power. If you truly think that your people are the right ones look out side. If you think all these rules protect you think again! It's all so that your easy to control!  Your all little sheep people! You should be happy that Yannas with the right people. Be happy that I'm going to keep her alive out there!" She had been walking closer to me with ever sentence she said. Her words stung my ears.

Then there was a bang.

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