yandere: lisa

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People often overlooked Lisa as a quiet and shy girl, not knowing that of she fell in love too deeply the consequences could be horrible. 5 years ago she had fallen for a girl called Hyuna. She was beautiful, kind and talented. But she was very popular with the other students aswell, so Lisa ended up killing them all.

This was a new school, where nobody knew her or what she would do for love. It was fine at first as Lisa wasn't attracted to anyone. Until she met her. Ryu (y/n) was even more beautiful and kind and talented than Hyuna, if it was even possible- and so Lisa fell straight for her. At first it was just a little crush, occasionally talking to her and trying to make sure she was around her at all times. When (y/n) asked to go to the toilet, Lisa would. When it was lunch , Lisa would try and sit at the table next to her. After a year of practically stalking (y/n) she was finally in all of her classes. All the club's she would join Lisa would join. She was overly obsessed. If any pictures of (y/n) would come up on social media Lisa would print them out then make sure it was just (y/n) in the picture. She had a shrine and a whole wall dedicated to her, and nothing could stop Lisa now. (Y/n) was like a drug and Lisa was addicted. The more she saw (y/n) they more insane she got.

No one could go near her precious (y/n). She was all lisa's and that's when Lisa decided to start making sure that no one could ruin her chances of being with her. (Y/n)'s best friend hugged her, so in chemistry Lisa knocked acid on her. Her screams were music to her ears. A boy tried to talk to her. Lisa pushed him off a balcony. The teacher criticised her work so Lisa asked if the teacher could explain the work to her during lunch. Lisa stabbed them and just left. None of their class was left. They were all dead or too scared to come to school. Lisa was happy. It could only be her and (y/n) now. She had finally achieved what she wanted. It was the enforcement of the school year but Lisa still hadn't confessed. As she watched (y/n) run in fear out of the school Lisa felt happy. "Oh (y/n) you really do make me insane."

I hope you liked it and sorry it took so long the first time i wrote this one and the next one it got deleted:(  

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